
This page provides a timeline of the milestone features and enhancement across the product as well as what is in the pipeline. Where information is available, a link has been provided. Please note that for enhancements beyond the future short term we may not have information published.

Future Pipeline

Click the above image for a full screen view

Current Projects

Post & Draw Re-Write and Payments Enhancements
Self-Managed Building Transfers
Contact Management (Creditors & Debtors)
NSW Strata Hub Integration for 2023 & future years

Historic Milestones & Features

Meeting Hub 'Secret Vote & Secret Ballot' (Stage one)

Merge Letter Refresh
Report Distribution (Including Stage 1 of Roll Reports)
Banking & Bank Reconciliation for Investment Accounts (For all supported bank accounts and improved StrataCash Management Integration)

NSW Strata Hub Integration

Info Update/Building Information Re-Write

VoteMax/Meeting Hub ‘In Meeting Voting from Device’

Data Health Dashboard
StrataPay Online Direct Debit Management

Banking & Bank Reconciliation Re-Write

Improved StrataCash Management Integration

Meeting Hub ‘Automated Minute Generation’

Contact Management (Roll)

ResVu – My Home DocMax, Levy Information, Levy Notice Integration

StrataCash Management Hub

Introduction of User Notifications

Meeting Hub ‘In Meeting Management Functions’

Centralized Web API

VIC Legislation (OC Act 2021)
NSW Legislation (Community Management Act 2021)

ResVu Integration

Bing API (alternative method to Mailroom)

Contact Management (Office Bearers)

Security Enhancements

Automated Month & Year-End Rollover Enhancements

DocMax Automated Prefill & Filing

Introduction of Contact Management (Agents)

Payment Entry