StrataMax Word Document Merge Fields

This article refers to the lists of merge fields available for Microsoft Word and uses Merge Letters. For a list of merge fields included using the .LET StrataMax Letter style, please see this article Notepad .LET Merge Fields.

The tables below include the categories and original merge field names available in Merge Letters.

Explanatory Reference

StrataMax Menu Fields are from:
Building Merge FieldsBuilding Information 
Contracts Register Merge FieldsContracts Register
Creditors Merge FieldsCreditor Maintenance 
Data Formatting Merge FieldsFormatting
General Merge FieldsOther Fields
General Ledger Merge FieldsGeneral Ledger & Other Fields
Inspections Merge FieldsInspections Register 
Insurance Merge FieldsInsurance Menu
Letting Agents Merge FieldsLetting Agent Tab 
Levy Control Merge FieldsLevy Management 
Levies UnStruck Merge FieldsLevy Management 
Office Bearers Merge FieldsOffice Bearers 
Roll Information Merge FieldsRoll 
Special Merge FieldsInserts Merge Code only
Tenant Merge FieldsLessee 

Merge Field Editor

The Merge Field Editor will provide all available merge fields; either using the category list to identify merge fields or the search field can assist with locating merge fields to add to a document.

  1. Search or select Merge Letters from Main or Sub-Group. 
  2. From the Report Selection window, click Merge Letters
  3. Click Fields to display the Merge Field Editor screen, where merge fields can be added or removed.
  4. Click Save to save any merge fields.

List of Data Formatting Commands with Field Codes


The example above will show the financial year end plus 42 days in the following format: 12 July 2014. If the date format is not specified, StrataMax will use the system date format of your computer.

The field number ('12' in the example above) must be the same in both field positions.

-Trim021Removes leading 02100000 from owner account codes
-Less(??)DaysAdjust inserted data (if a date) by the number of days inside brackets
-Plus(??)DaysAdjust inserted data (if a date) by the number of days inside brackets
-Less(??)MonthsAdjust inserted data (if a date) by the number of months inside brackets
-Plus(??)MonthsAdjust inserted data (if a date) by the number of months inside brackets
-WordDatePrints date in words

  1. Search or select Merge Letters from Main or Sub-Group. 
  2. From the Report Selection window, click Merge Letters.
  3. Click Fields to display the Merge Field Editor screen. 
  4. Select the merge field that requires formatting and right-click. Appy Formatting (Full List of commands) or Transformation (Short List of Commands)

  5. Select the formatting command to apply.

  6. Apply any other formatting commands as needed.
  7. Click Save.

To update any formatted merge fields, these will need to be deleted and re-added as needed.

Building Merge Fields

The Building Merge Fields extract information entered in the Building Information menu.

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Name
231Account Manager
170Account No.
11Aggregate Entitlements
246Associated Common Plan
108Australian Business No.
261Backflow Tested By
169Bank Branch
168Bank Name
2Body Corp No
3Body Corporate Name
72Body Corporate Name - Long Name
223Builder Address
224Builder Address
225Builder Address
228Builder Comments
233Builder Fax
227Builder Mobile
222Builder Name
226Builder Telephone
28Building Valuation Amount
30Building Valuation Date
50Committee Spending Limit
237Community Scheme D.P.
248CTS No.
199Date of Construction
9Date of Registration of Plan
20Date Taken On
216Developer Address (1)
217Developer Address (2)
218Developer Address (3)
221Developer Comments
232Developer Facsimile
220Developer Mobile
215Developer Name
219Developer Telephone
144Emergency Lighting Last Inspected
145Emergency Lighting Next Due
241Facsimile (Charge Units)
12Financial Year End
244Financial Year Start
148Fire Safety Equipment Last Inspected
149Fire Safety Equipment Next Due
200Fire Sprinklers
14First Annual General Meeting
245Grace Days
239Higher Interest Period (Days)
76Insurance Valuation
97Insurance Valuation By
75Insurance Valuation Date
163Interest Days
15Last Annual General Meeting
265Last Audit Date
259Last Backflow Tested
193Last Committee Meeting Date
252Last Financial Year End Date
251Last Financial Year Start Date
71Last General Meeting
120Last Insurance Commission Amount
119Last Insurance Commission Paid
262Last Maintenance Report
79Last Meeting Date
13Levy Year End
110Lift Registration Next Due
6Location (1)
7Location (2)
8Location (3)
238Location Post Code
264Maintenance Report Prepared By
230Management Fee
111Meeting Address
16Next Annual General Meeting
211Next Annual General Meeting Time
260Next Backflow Test Due
195Next Committee Meeting Date
74Next General Meeting
263Next Maintenance Report
258Next Meeting Time
197No. of Commercial Units
198No. of Residential Units
201No. of Storeys
134Number of Cheques Printed
35Number of Lifts
10Number of Lots
133Number of Notices Printed
135Number of Pages Printed
62Number of Pools
136Overdue Interest By-law number
77Overdue Levy Interest Rate
229Overdue Levy Interest Rate (2)
182Pest Control Last Inspected
183Pest Control Next Due
242Photocopies (Charge Units)
5Plan No
243Postal Charges
249Principal/Subsidiary/Stand Alone
234Registered Address (1)
235Registered Address (2)
236Registered Address (3)
247Regulatory Module
18Seal Reference
88Sinking Fund Report - Last
102Sinking Fund Report - Prepared by
253SMS's Sent
141Tax File Number
240Telephone (Charge Units)
146Termite Last Inspected
147Termite Next Due
250Total Interest Entitlements
214Trust Account (Y/N)
202Type of Construction-Floors
203Type of Construction-Walls
79Type of Last Meeting
143Workplace Health & Safety Last Due
142Workplace Health & Safety Last Inspected
106Workplace Health & Safety Prepared By

Contracts Register Merge Fields

The Contracts Register merge fields extract information entered for the chosen contract in the Contracts Register menu. StrataMax uses the code number, therefore if producing a global merge document, to ensure accuracy of information reported, the same code number would need to be used for same contract types in all your buildings.

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Name
14Basis of Remuneration
2Code Number
15Commencement Date
30Common Property Group
6Contract Address (1)
7Contract Address (2)
8Contract Address (3)
5Contractor Name
18Copy of Agreement on File?
20Date of Advice from Financier
21Date of Withdrawal of Financier
10Delegated Powers
9Details of Duties
31Doc ID (DocMax Document ID)
11Estimated Cost of Contract
13Estimated Cost of Outlays
12Estimated Cost of Remuneration
29Expiry Date
28Increase Due
27Increase Rate
26Last Renewal Date
19Name of Financier
24Next Option Renewal Date
25Option Notice Period
17Option Notice Period
16Reference Number
23Termination Date
22Workers Comp Number

Creditors Merge Fields

The creditors merge Ffelds are directly from the data in Creditor Maintenance

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Name
42Accountant's Name
34Address (1)
35Address (2)
36Address (3)
58Australian Business No.
100Bank Account No.
99BSB Number
60Builders Licence Details
65Comments (1)
111Contractor Industry
98EFT Active
130E-Mail Address
52Facsimile Number
115GST Registered
57Indemnity Insurer
56Issue Work Orders by
108Letter Title
62Licence Expiry Date
105Location ID
129Maxinfo Reg No.
95PAYG Tax Rate
64Prof. Indemnity Expiry Date
55Prof. Indemnity Policy No.
82Prompt/Preferred Banned
85Public Liability Expiry Date
119Public Liability Insurer
120Public Liability Policy No.
45Salutation (2)
103Telephone Mobile
51Telephone Number
102Telephone Number (2)
63Workers Comp Expiry Date
112Workers Comp Insurer
54Workers Comp No.

Data Formatting

Data formatting changes the format from which they are entered in StrataMax. The benefit of applying data formatting is that it changes the format without merging and then editing the dates or calculating other dates.  

For example, you may have inserted the 'Financial Year End' merge field (BuildingFinancialYearEnd), without applying any data formatting so that the date would display as DD/MM/YY. However, when the 'DayAndWordDate' formatting merge field is applied to the financial year-end merge field, it will display as Thursday, 16 June 2023.

Adding Data Formatting

After the merge document has been created and all required merge fields are inserted, the below data formatting can be applied.

  1. From the Merge Field Editor, select the Category list, select the appropriate merge field from within the category and click Add to add this to the Selected Merge Field area.
  2. From the table of Selected Merge Fields, right-click and select Formatting. Select the formatting requirement for the field.
    • For example, «Building Financial YearEnd-DateandWordDate» will be displayed on Thursday, 16 June 2023.

This contains the format of <<Today>> merge field with data formatting applied with a Plus (??) Days format for one month with an additional Word Date format 

Merge Field NameExample
WordDateInserts Day and Date entered: Thursday 14/07/23
DayAndWordDateInserts Day and Word Date: Thursday 14th July 2020
First Name OnlyInserts First Name from the Full Name entered in the Roll
Less (??) MonthsDeducts the # of months entered (??) from the date of the merge field chosen
Less (??) DaysDeducts the # of days entered (??) from the date of the merge field chosen
MoneyMoney format $0.00
Plus (??) DaysAdds the Number of Days inserted from the chosen field
Plus (??) MonthsAdds the Number of Months inserted from the chosen field
Slash DateThis will remove the / between the numbers
Time12Hour12 Hour Format: 10:00am
Title CaseThis will use Title Case (same as Word)
Trim 021Lot Owner Account number starts with 021, inserting this merge field before the account number will remove the first three digits
Trim Left(?)This will remove the account number leaving just the lot number
Word DateDisplays in Word Date Format

Adding Transformation

Adding transformation will allow for merge fields to have a calculation applied to the merge field to wither add or remove characters or days when using date fields and can be useful when trying to produce a document that contains a reference to a date based on another date or removes the account number references when using these merge fields.

General Merge Fields

These general merge fields are very similar to the General Ledger merge fields, with the only difference being the General merge fields will report the merge field selected for either a lot owner, officer, creditor etc. As opposed to the General Ledger merge fields where you may select the year-to-date balance merge field and select 012 Cash At Bank to report the balance of the account. 

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Name
3030 Days
3160 Days
3290 Days
3390+ Days
68Admin Fund Balance
85Admin Paid to Date
101Advertising OK (Default=Y)
37Alternative Notice Address (1)
38Alternative Notice Address (2)
39Alternative Notice Address (3)
12Amount Updated
95Annual Increase (%)
26Apr Actual/Budget
18Aug Actual/Budget
7Balance Sheet (YN)
100Bank Account No
99BSB Number
50Car Space No
47Carried Forward
133Charge Interest (YN)
61Committee Member (YN)
54Company Nominee
94Contractor Industry
64Date of Arrears Notice
63Date of Mortgagee Advice
62Date of Transfer Advice
22Dec Actual/Budget
130Email Address
9End Report Flag (X_)
52Facsimile Number
24Feb Actual/Budget
78First Activity
55First Mortgagee
57First Mortgagee Address (2)
59First Mortgagee Facsimile
60First Mortgagee Nominee
58First Mortgagee Telephone
56First Mortgagee's Address (1)
44First Mortgagee's Address (3)
42First Mortgagee's Address (4)
92Interest Debit Date
23Jan Actual/Budget
17Jul Actual/Budget
28Jun Actual/Budget
79Last Activity
91Last Arrears Notice
40Last Year Amount Updated
13Last Year Balance
132Last Year Tax Amount
108Letter Title
119Levy Notice Address 1
120Levy Notice Address 2
121Levy Notice Address 3
114Lot Number
25Mar Actual/Budget
27May Actual/Budget
10Month to Date Bal.
93Next Year Levy
16Next Years Budget
34Notice Address (1)
35Notice Address (2)
36Notice Address (3)
21Nov Actual/Budget
20Oct Actual/Budget
77Other Balance
76Overdue Interest Balance
113Owner(s) Full Name
6P/L Report (YN)
46Payment Terms
43Permanent Proxy
129Plan No.
14Previous Year Bal.
34Residential Address (1)
35Residential Address (2)
36Residential Address (3)
45Salutation (2)
73Section 124(2) Balance
74Section 30 (7) Balance
75Section 33(3) & 33(4) Balance
72Section 38A(3) Balance
19Sep Actual/Budget
8Should Be (+/-)
86Sink Paid to Date
70Sinking Fund Balance
69Special Admin Fund Balance
71Special Sinking Fund Balance
41Split Lot Details
117Storage Space
131Tax Code
103Telephone Mobile
51Telephone Number
102Telephone Number (2)
15This Years Budget
4Type (H/P/1-9X)
5Underline Total? (YN)
49Unit Number
96Update Code
82Use Alt Address for Levy Notice
112Workers Comp No.
11Year to Date Bal.

General Ledger Merge Fields

The general ledger merge fields allow you to select a merge field, then select the general ledger account code to report the information. As an example this would be used to report the Year-to-Date balance for the 'Cash at Bank' account.  

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Name
3030 Days
3160 Days
3290 Days
3390+ Days
68Admin Fund Balance
85Admin Paid to Date
101Advertising OK (Default=Y)
37Alternative Notice Address (1)
38Alternative Notice Address (2)
39Alternative Notice Address (3)
12Amount Updated
95Annual Increase (%)
26Apr Actual/Budget
18Aug Actual/Budget
7Balance Sheet (YN)
100Bank Account No
99BSB Number
50Car Space No
47Carried Forward
133Charge Interest (YN)
61Committee Member (YN)
54Company Nominee
94Contractor Industry
64Date of Arrears Notice
63Date of Mortgagee Advice
62Date of Transfer Advice
22Dec Actual/Budget
130Email Address
9End Report Flag (X_)
52Facsimile Number
24Feb Actual/Budget
78First Activity
55First Mortgagee
57First Mortgagee Address (2)
59First Mortgagee Facsimile
60First Mortgagee Nominee
58First Mortgagee Telephone
56First Mortgagee's Address (1)
44First Mortgagee's Address (3)
42First Mortgagee's Address (4)
92Interest Debit Date
23Jan Actual/Budget
17Jul Actual/Budget
28Jun Actual/Budget
79Last Activity
91Last Arrears Notice
40Last Year Amount Updated
13Last Year Balance
132Last Year Tax Amount
108Letter Title
119Levy Notice Address 1
120Levy Notice Address 2
121Levy Notice Address 3
114Lot Number
25Mar Actual/Budget
27May Actual/Budget
10Month to Date Bal.
93Next Year Levy
16Next Years Budget
34Notice Address (1)
35Notice Address (2)
36Notice Address (3)
21Nov Actual/Budget
20Oct Actual/Budget
77Other Balance
76Overdue Interest Balance
113Owner(s) Full Name
6P/L Report (YN)
46Payment Terms
43Permanent Proxy
129Plan No.
14Previous Year Bal.
34Residential Address (1)
35Residential Address (2)
36Residential Address (3)
45Salutation (2)
73Section 124(2) Balance
74Section 30 (7) Balance
75Section 33(3) & 33(4) Balance
72Section 38A(3) Balance
19Sep Actual/Budget
8Should Be (+/-)
86Sink Paid to Date
70Sinking Fund Balance
69Special Admin Fund Balance
71Special Sinking Fund Balance
41Split Lot Details
117Storage Space
131Tax Code
103Telephone Mobile
51Telephone Number
102Telephone Number (2)
15This Years Budget
4Type (H/P/1-9X)
5Underline Total? (YN)
49Unit Number
96Update Code
82Use Alt Address for Levy Notice
112Workers Comp No.
11Year to Date Bal.

Inspections Merge Fields

The inspections merge fields extract information entered for the chosen inspection type. StrataMax uses the code number, therefore if producing a global merge document, to ensure accuracy of information reported, the same code number would need to be used for same type of inspections in all of your buildings.

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Code
5Next Due
6Last Done
7Last Inspection by (Code)
8Last Inspected by
10Result Rating
11Report Doc ID
12Property Details A/C
12Property Details
14Special Instructions

Insurance Merge Fields

The Insurance merge fields are the same as in Insurance.  You may extract the data for each policy type, StrataMax uses the code number, therefore if producing a global merge document, to ensure accuracy of information reported, the same code number would need to be used for same insurance policy types in all of your buildings.

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Name
12Broker/Agent (1)
13Broker/Agent (2)
17Date Last Paid
8Due Date
9Excess Details (1)
10Excess Details (2)
6Policy Number
3Policy type
4Sum Insured

Letting Agent Merge Fields

The letting agents merge fields use the letting agent added to the particular lot owner in the Roll.

Legacy Merge Field No.
Merge Field Code
6Address Title 1
7Address Title 2
50Advertising Ok (Default=Y)
49Building Number
29Car Space Number
16Category/Acquisition Type/Capacity
46Change Flag
40Committee Meeting Minutes
39Committee Meeting Notices
30Committee Member
37Co-Owner Addresses
18Date Appointed/Acquired
20Date of Receipt of Notice
19Date Withdrawn/Discharged/Removed
27Email Address
4Full name of Agent
45Global Reference
36Letter Title
42Levy Notice Address 1
43Levy Notice Address 2
44Levy Notice Address 3
48Levy Notice Address Ref
38Lot Number
3Lot Owner Name
17Notes/Brief Description
12Notice Address 1
13Notice Address 2
14Notice Address 3
21Ranking/Lease Term
35Reference No.
8Res/Bus Address 1
9Res/Bus Address 2
10Res/Bus Address 3
47Service Address Ref
41Storage Space No.
22Telephone (1)
23Telephone (2)
28Unit Number
31Use Notice Address for Notices
15User Name

Levy Control Merge Fields

The levy control merge fields extract the levies entered in Levy Management.  The levy control fields only use levies which have been struck but not necessarily generated.  

Prior to inserting the merge fields for levies, print a Levy Register (Summary Only).  For each Levy Type, a number of levies will be listed, if there are four levies listed for the Administration Fund and you would like the last levy to appear in your merge document, then this would be 'Levy Number 4'.

For the first Levy Type e.g. Administrative Fund

  • Levy Number 1 = first levy on the Levy Register 
  • Levy Number 2 = second levy on the Levy Register
  • Levy Number 3 = third levy on the Levy Register
  • Levy Number 4 = fourth levy on the Levy Register (and so on)
  • The same will apply to each Levy Type, e.g. Sinking Fund, Insurance, Special etc. 

For each levy control merge field, you will need to select a Levy Type and then the Levy Number.

Identifying Levy Control Merge Fields

  • <LevyControl0113>    Levy Control Merge Field/Levy Type 01 (Admin Fund)/Levy Number 1/Merge Field 3
  • <LevyControl0745>    Levy Control Merge Field/Levy Type 07 (Sinking Fund)/Levy Number 4/Merge Field 5

If you are not sure of the 'Levy Type' number (check invoice codes in Levy Management).

Legacy Merge Field No.
Merge Field Name
4Determine Date
8Discount Date
9Discount Rate
15Entitlement Schedule
11Generation Date
10Net Ent. Rate
6Rate per U/E
14Regular/Special (0/1)
12Strike Date
17Total Gross Charge
18Total Net Charge

Levies Unstruck Merge Fields

The levies unstruck merge fields extract the levies entered in Levy Management, which have not been struck or generated. Similar to the 'Levy Control' merge fields, when inserting the 'Levy Control' merge fields, the Levy Number will start from the first unstruck levy not the levies already struck or generated. 

For each 'Levies Unstruck' merge field, you will need to select a Levy Type and then the Levy Number.

Identifying Levies Unstruck Merge Fields

  • <LevyPrep0113>    Levies Unstruck Merge Field/Levy Type 01 (Admin Fund)/Levy Number 1/Merge Field 3
  • <LevyPrep0745>    Levies Unstruck Merge Field/Levy Type 07 (Sinking Fund)/Levy Number 4/Merge Field 5

If you are not sure of the 'Levy Type' (check invoice codes in Levy Management).

Legacy Merge Field No.
Merge Field Name
4Determine Date
8Discount Date
9Discount Rate
15Entitlement Schedule
11Generation Date
10Net Ent. Rate
6Rate per U/E
14Regular/Special (0/1)
12Strike Date
17Total Gross Charge
18Total Net Charge

Office Bearers Merge Fields

The officers/office bearers/committee members merge fields obtained from the Office Bearers screen. You may extract the merge data for each person currently on the committee. As the committee member may have more than one position and this information is contained within the building, preparing a 'generic' merge document would involve inserting each combination of positions.  Alternatively, if preparing a notice of AGM, edit the original and insert those committees that have been nominated.

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Name
6Address (1)
7Address (2)
8Address (3)
11Business Telephone
2Code Number (Account Code Number)
15Comments (1)
16Comments (1)
19Date of Appointment
20Date of Resignation
4Full Name (1)
12Home Telephone
13Mobile Telephone
10Office Held
21Owner of Lot (Lot No.)
3Reference Name (Reference Name Entered)

Roll Information Merge Fields

Roll Information merge fields are directly from the data in Roll.

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Name
6Address Title 1
7Address Title 2
50Advertising OK
29Car Space Number
16Category/Acquisition Type/Capacity
40Committee Meeting Minutes
39Committee Meeting Notices
30Committee Member
37Co-Owner Addresses
18Date Appointed/Acquired
20Date of Receipt of Notice
19Date Withdrawn/Discharged/Removed
27Email Address
4Full Name
36Letter Title
42Levy Notice Address 1
43Levy Notice Address 2
44Levy Notice Address 3
38Lot Number
17Notes/Brief Description
12Notice Address 1
13Notice Address 2
14Notice Address 3
21Ranking/Lease Term
3Reference Name
8Res/Bus Address 1
9Res/Bus Address 2
10Res/Bus Address 3
41Storage Space No.
22Telephone (1)
23Telephone (2)
28Unit Number
31Use Notice Address for Notices
15User Name

Special Merge Fields

The 'Special Merge' field categories have been designed as a quick point for different merge fields.

Merge Field NameMerge Field CodeExplanation:
Account Manager Email<AccountManagerEmail>Account Manager as Email (Account Manager Edit)
Address Bar Code<AddressBarCode>
Address Bar Code DPIP<AddressBarCodeDPIP>
Address Bar Code SortID<AddressBarCodeSortID>
Company Title<CompanyTitle>Building Long Name (Building Information
CTS<CTS>Community Title Scheme No. (Qld Only)
Letter Head<LetterHead>Insert your company Letterhead into the merge document
Login ID<LoginID>StrataMax Online Portal login ID for Welcome Letters
LoginIDCheck<LoginIDCheck>Merges the owner's 9-digit StrataPay Reference number
Login Password<LoginPassword>StrataMax Online Portal login password

Name And Address
Name And Address Auto<NameAndAddressAuto>
Name And Levy Notice Address<NameAndLevyNoticeAddress>
Name And Levy Notice Address Auto<NameAndLevyNoticeAddressAuto>
Name And Notice Address<NameAndNoticeAddress>
Plan Number<PlanNumber>Plan Number (Building Information)
Regulation Module<RegulationModule>Regulation Module (Building Information)
Today<Today>Automatically Insert Today's Date

Tenant Merge Fields

The 'Tenant Merge Fields' are directly from the information entered in the Lessee Tab in the Roll.

Legacy Merge Field No.Merge Field Name
6Address Title 1
7Address Title 2
50Advertising OK
49Building Number
29Car Space Number
16Category/Acquisition Type/Capacity
46Changed Flag
40Committee Meeting Minutes
39Committee Meeting Notices
30Committee Member
37Co-Owner Addresses
18Date Appointed/Acquired/Change
20Date of Receipt of Notice
19Date Withdrawn/Discharged/Removed
27Email Address
45Global Reference
4Full Name of Lessee
36Letter Title
42Levy Notice Address 1
43Levy Notice Address 2
44Levy Notice Address 3
38Lot Number
3Lot Owner Name
17Notes/Brief Description
12Notice Address 1
13Notice Address 2
14Notice Address 3
21Ranking/Lease Term
3Reference Name
35Reference No.
8Res/Bus Address 1
9Res/Bus Address 2
10Res/Bus Address 3
47Service Address Ref
41Storage Space No.
22Telephone (1)
23Telephone (2)
28Unit Number
31Use Notice Address for Notices
15User Name