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Resvu ( is a strata management software tool that delivers a more efficient, transparent and memorable experience to lot owners and committee, all whilst saving on emails, phone calls and unnecessary requests. To find out how Resvu could help your day to day operations click here.


Resvu integrates with StrataMax so buildings and contacts can be imported into Resvu on bulk and avoids manual data entry.

Integration is available with DocMax by giving you the ability to select from existing DocMax Categories when setting up document imports. This feature also allows you to set a display label for each category, which will be used in the resident application.

While you may want to just select a Category to show in Resvu, there may be times where you may need to consider splitting a category, so that too many documents aren't displayed in Resvu. For example, a DocMax Category called ‘Meetings’ could be split into two called ‘Meetings – AGM’ and ‘Meetings – Committee’. Or alternatively you could keep the Category called ‘Meetings’, but also add another Category called ‘Meetings – AGM’.

Levy Notices can also be configured to display in the resident application. If configured to display; any documents in DocMax with the title 'Levy Notice' will display. It is therefore important that if incorrect levy notices are initially sent out; these are deleted from DocMax. 

Levy integration also allows for automated reminders based on upcoming levy due dates.

Onboarding Preparation

To ensure a smooth onboarding some tasks are recommended in StrataMax as noted below:

  1. Contacts recorded in the roll should be split; only the first email address of any contact will receive an invite to use Resvu when invites are sent. If a lot has multiple contacts as owners; each with their own email then each will receive an invite. Note: If invites to use Resvu have been sent and at a later date a contact card is split into multiple, each new contact will be sent an invite automatically.
  2. Any duplicate contacts should be merged. 
  3. Real estate agents emails should not be recorded within an owners contact card. A real estate agent appointed for a lot should be entered into the roll as a Real Estate or Letting Agent record with its own contact card.
  4. DocMax categories that may be duplicates should be merged so you can easily configure specific categories your office uses to be available in Resvu

Use Contact Management to split and merge contacts.