Roll Form

The instructions in this article relate to the Roll Form. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

The Roll Form is helpful when reporting an Original Owner, Current Owner and Previous Owner's address details, Contribution and Interest Entitlements, Date of Registration of the Plan, Lessee, Letting Agent, Mortgagee, Nominees and Power of Attorney. It is available to the Owners for distribution as the default. 

Roll Form Templates and Configuration

The following templates are available for Roll Form and can be configured using the steps below using the Report Distribution method. 

A single report of all owners (Strata Roll Section 177 NSW) or selected lot accounts can be produced if the process is run for an Internal User. Individual Roll Forms can also be produced if run for an Owner and can be included in the Change of Owner or Details automated report set.

  1. Search or select Roll Form. 
  2. Select the cogwheel to set the template and text.
    • This Building - Roll List & Roll Form Notification.
    • A template option exists for the Roll Form.
  3. Click Close.

Example of Roll Form