StrataMax Release Notes

This page contains the most recent release notes for the StrataMax product. A summary of the updates is provided below, however the release notes contain further details about updates and changes to the software. These updates may also contain minor fixes and enhancements to improve product stability and performance, and are displayed on the last page of the release notes document.

Not all version releases will require release notes; if a version not listed below is installed, there are no specific release notes for that version. The current version of StrataMax is displayed in the top left of the StrataMax screen.

If you encounter any issues while your software is being updated, please contact the StrataMax Support Team at or on (07) 5575 7422.

StrataMax v5.6.110 Release Thursday 4th July 2024

Debtor Adjustments | Reverse Interest

  • When reversing interest using Debtor Adjustment, the reversal actions will now be logged so users can clearly see who credited overdue interest and easily viewed in the Log Viewer with the Category value called 'Debtor Adj'.

Search Office Bearers

  • A new search icon and screen have been introduced called ‘Search Office Bearers’, and will allow users to search for Office Bearers across multiple buildings.

Search Screens | Log Viewer

  • All searches that are exported to excel will now be logged in the Log Viewer. The log will report the Date/Time, Username, Description and Building, Category.

New Icon Updates

Debtor Maintenance (Second Debtors) | Enhancements

  • Debtor Maintenance user interface now has the ability to double click a record to open Debtor Maintenance for a selected Debtor.
  • Users can now search new fields, Debtor Name, Lot Number, Account Code, Telephone and Email using the Local and Global Debtors, Debtor (Second Debtors) Main and Subgroup, Applicant Maintenance, and Debtor Maintenance.

Roll | New Validation

  • Validation has been added to the Roll 'Edit Screen' when Name and Address title 1 are exactly the same so that if data is entered into Address Title 2 the user is advised.

Transaction Code Change Replacement

Payments | Creditor Balance

  • Enhancements have been made to report a creditor as out of balance instead of picking up journals that were done to reverse a creditor invoice from the old year when making payments.

StrataMax v5.6.109 Released Thursday 20th June 2024

Search Payments | Recovery Created Field

  • A new field has been added to Search Payments to search and review recovery charges created, if the Payments options are enabled in the Disbursements icon. 

Creditor Maintenance | ABN Validation 

  • Creditor Maintenance has been enhanced to validate the ABN if entered and prevent ABN Exempt from being set if there is a valid ABN for the Creditor. 

StrataMax v5.6.107 Released Thursday 6th June 2024

Contact Management | Merge Contact View

  • The Merge Duplicate Contacts function has received a UI enhancement to include contact data fields, which can then be compared between the two contacts.

New Debtor Searches

Creditor Searches Enhancements

New Search | Account Codes

StrataMax v5.6.106 Released Wednesday 23rd May 2024

Security Setup | Account Maintenance

  • The Security Setup permission 'Add/ Change/ Delete' has been renamed to 'Account Maintenance' in BCMax and GLMax.  
    Note: Only the name has been changed. Permissions will remain as previously set  for Add / Change / Delete.

Financial Statements - Account Summary | Account Group Buildings

  • Enhancements have been made to include the ability to select a specific Account Group when running the Account Summary Report in Financial Statements

Report Distribution

  • Improvements have been implemented to the Recipient Type selection process, allowing for tagging all, untagging all or manually selecting Recipient Types. This checkbox is available throughout StrataMax: 
    Bank Reconciliation – Reverse Receipt selection.
    Bank Reconciliation – Match to Unpresented Screen.
    Transaction Report Manager – bottom selection panel.
    Process Recoveries – Select Building area in GLMax.
    Meeting Hub – Merge Letter attachment selection.
    - Roll – Transfer Agent Portfolio option.
  • A new ‘Owner’ Recipient Type has been added to Report Distribution and Communication modules. This feature allows users to send or email reports exclusively to owners, regardless of whether a lot has been marked for correspondence to be sent to an agent. 

StrataMax v5.6.105 Released Thursday 9th May 2024

New Icon Enhancements

  • Cosmetic changes have been implemented to some of the individual icons, replacing the originals, making them more relevant and identifiable for the function and screen that they represent.
  • The Dashboard and Notification Bell has changed.

Security Setup | Enhancements

  • Enhancements have been made to the Security Setup user interface to be more consistent with the new BCMax style screens. Other enhancements include the ability to show or hide disabled users and the ability to toggle the column headers to display data in alphabetical order.

StrataMax v5.6.104 Released Friday 26th April 2024

Payments | Enhancements

  • Enhancements have been made to alert users if there are more than one user processing payments at the same time, changes include:
    - If all payments are paid in the session the screen will move to the Summary screen. 
    - If all payments are not paid, you will remain on the payment screen and show a PAID icon on any payment that has been paid. 
    - Any payment that could not be paid because another user paid it, will show a warning message - Invoice outstanding balance has changed - payment not saved.
    - If any other error occurs, then a yellow icon will appear, and the system will stop on that building. The user can click process again to continue with the rest of  the batch

StrataMax v5.6.102 Released Tuesday 9th April 2024

Utilities | Emailing Remittance Advices

Search Building | Meeting Fields

StrataMax v5.6.101 Released Thursday 28th March 2024

Search Roll

  • A new 'Search' screen has been created to search Roll contact details more easily and replaces the Owner Extract Report.

Search Contacts | New Field | 'Is A Current Owner’

  • A new search field has been added to the Search Contacts screen, called 'Is A Current Owner' and will allow contacts to be filtered by status as a current or non-current owner.

Opening Balance Setup | UI Enhancement

  • The Opening Balance Setup screen has been enhanced to highlight the line that the user is entering data in, making it easier to identify the line the user is on to reduce the chance of error.

Creditor Invoices & Creditor Management | Edit Description

New Configuration | Allow Cheques

  • A new setting has been introduced to prevent cheques being used for creditor payments by mistake due to the 'Pay by EFT' setting not being ticked in Creditor Maintenance. This is setting is available in the Payments and Payment Entry screens.

Payments | Current Building

  • A new radio button has been introduced to select the ‘Current Building’ in the Payments screen.

Payment Entry | Enhancements

  • The Payment Entry screen has a new drop-down menu for instances where a debtor/owner has been selected in the Account field. This will allow the user to select the specific contact when there are multiple contacts for a single lot.

StrataMax v5.6.100 Released Thursday 14th March 2024

Creditors Management

  • A new Creditors Management module is a central screen providing access to preview all creditor invoices that have been entered into StrataMax. This screen adopts a similar design to the different Search screens already available throughout StrataMax.

Payment Entry Enhancements

  • Enhancements have been made to enhance Payment Entry to allow users to refund or reimburse a Debtor or Expense code and enter BSB and Account Numbers or, BPAY details manually. The debtor no longer has to have the BSB, and account number set up to create a refund. This is covered in more detail on page 19 in the release notes.

Payments Management

  • Payments Management has been enhanced to allow users to enter a new Remittance Advice and Internal notes. This is covered in more detail on page 24 in the release notes.


  • The Payments screen has been completely redesigned and enhanced, and now offers a detailed overview of unpaid invoices, displays bank balances for each Fund and provides tolls for effective payment management, including actions like marking invoices on or off hold, making part payments prior to the uploading the payments to the bank via EFT Manager screen. This is covered in more detail on page 26 in the release notes.

EFT Manager

  • Enhancements have been made to the EFT Manager screen. These changes are visible once a batch is selected and the 'Print and Authorise' screen appears. This is covered in more detail on page 32 in the release notes.
  • Once payments have been authorised in EFT Manager there is a new button available to Email Remittance Advices. This is covered in more detail on page 34 in the release notes.

It is recommended to update the email template for EFT Remittance Advices in Email Template Manager once updated.

Cheques Printing

  • A new screen called Cheques Printing has been developed for printing cheques after a payment has been processed using the new Payments screen or Payment Entry. This is covered in more detail on page 36 in the release notes.

Search Creditor Invoice Items

  • This new search called Search Creditor Invoice Items is now available and can be used to find a specific invoice. This is also where it can be placed 'On Hold', and where you can locate the Tag Paid Invoices button. This is covered in more detail on page 37 in the release notes.

Search Payments

  • A new search called Search Payments is now available and can be used to find a specific payment using a large number of different fields for an individual Buildings or available to search globally. This is covered in more detail on page 43 in the release notes.

Bank Reconciliation Banking Legends

  • Local and global legends have been enhanced so that a legend can look at the reference field in the statement data instead of or as well as the description. The ability to set Details or Reference fields to 'Do Not Compare' has also been added. This is covered in more detail on page 46 onwards in the release notes.

Emailing Remittance Advice | Remittance Email Address

  • Enhancements have been made to editing contact cards so that a specific email address can be added to use for emailing remittance advice notices. This can be done in contact cards for creditor, second debtors or owners. This is covered in more detail on page 48 onwards in the release notes.

StrataMax v5.6.99 Released Thursday 29th February 2024

Account Maintenance - Export

  • Additional fields such as the Update Code and Non-Mutual Income have been added to the Account Maintenance Export Report and will include any Hidden or Restricted account codes in the report.

Web API - Body Corporate Name

  • The "BodyCorpName" field has been added to the Building Info query. This will produce the Body Corporate Name in the building. 

Creditor Maintenance - Creditor Compare

  • Enhancements have been made to the Creditor Compare screen, which is now located in Creditor Maintenance. Creditor Compare will report duplicate or unused Creditors and allows the accounts to be merged, hidden or deleted. This tool is useful if a property has been transferred from another StrataMax Manager. 

Communication & Report Distribution - Select/Deselect Option 

  • Enhancements have been made to Report Distribution and Communications. The options ‘All & None’ are available to quickly and easily select all or no contacts. This will give you more control over Contact selection as an alternative to keyboard shortcuts and all Contacts being pre-selected.

Search Enhancements

  • The Username field in Log Viewer now has a drop-down value to select from a picklist. 
  • Search Bank Accounts now includes the Condition option to the Field 'TD Maturity Date' - Next 7 Days or Next 30 Days. 

StrataMax 5.6.98 Released Thursday 15th February 2024

Search Contacts

  • A new search screen and menu icon has been added to simplify searching for contacts. The search allows for filtering using multiple contact fields and will search across all buildings.

API Enhancements

Save Searches as Dashboards

  • Enhancements have been made to ‘Saved Searches’ to enable a user to flag a particular search to be viewed on the individual user’s Dashboard. An Additional option ‘Add To My Dashboard’ has also been added - see page 4 in the release notes for more details.

StrataMax 5.6.97 Released Wednesday 31st January 2024

Master Chart | Creditor Maintenance

Account Maintenance | Adding a new code

  • When adding a new code to a local building the code will now be added to current and old year. This will allow users to select the new code in the old year via Journal Preparation and Budget Update.

StrataMax 5.6.96 Released Thursday 18th January 2024

Creditor and Debtor Maintenance Enhancement

  • Creditor Maintenance and Debtor Maintenance has been enhanced to incorporate Contact Management which will allow creditors and debtors to use the new contact cards in main buildings and subgroup buildings.
  • IMPORTANT:  The security setting for editing Bank Accounts is now called Add or Edit Contact Bank Account.  This is the setting now used for all contact types, including Creditors.  Prior bank account permissions for Debtors / Creditors are no longer applicable and will be removed soon.

Applicant Contact Cards

  • The Certificate Applicant menu has been renamed to Applicant Maintenance to better reflect its purpose. Certificates, Insurance, Developer, Audit, Bank Audit and Debt Collection Applicant contacts have been migrated to Contact Management cards in this release.

Data Links

  • Data Links will now be automatically added when setting up a Subgroup where all or selected lots are emulated. A new interface will be presented when viewing Data Links for a lot or building.

New Account Maintenance Screen

  •  'Account Maintenance' has replaced Add / Change / Delete in Master Chart, Base and local buildings. Extra validation has also been added to prevent account errors..


Building Lock Enhancements | Lock Reason Custom Text

  • The Add Building Lock screen will now present a 'Lock Reason' field to advise why a building has been locked. The screen will also show if a building has been locked by the system. For example, if a Month End Rollover has failed the lock reason show "Month End'. If custom text has been added at the time of lock, this will be displayed in the Lock Manager Screen.

Saved Search Enhancements

  • Existing saved searches settings and name can now be edited after they have been created to more easily manage changes. Once loaded, the title of the selected search will now be displayed in the Search Log screen.

Security Setup Permissions | Prompt

  • The "Prompt" option has been removed from Security Setup permissions right-click menu.

API Enhancements

  • When a User Message Exception is thrown in the code, we have placed the user message in the response body and header to provide further information as to why the request failed.

Removed Items

For more info on each of the below, please refer to page 24 of the release notes.

  • Master Chart Filter
  • Second Debtor Setup
  • Convert Officer / Owner to Creditor
  • Direct Debit – Edit Bank Account
  • Certificates – Save Applicant Data

StrataMax 5.6.95 Released Thursday 14th December 2023

New Search | Search Levies 

  • The ability to search & report levy information for a building has been included in this release. This search will return levy data based on the search criteria selected.

Merge Letters | Local/Building Letter option

  • A new option has been added to Merge Letters to allow users to set a merge letter to be specific to a building.

StrataPay Deposit Slip | New Australia Post Biller Code

  • StrataPay Deposit Slips have been updated to comply with Australia Post specification requirements to reflect our newly issued Australia Post biller code - *3599.

Receipt Entry | Configuration

  • A new configuration setting is now available in Receipt Entry that allows users to allocate interest last, on a per-building basis or globally.
    Please Note: This setting will not override the QLD Interest allocation rule.

Global Transactions | Default Building Number & Name & Enhanced Search

  • We have enhanced Global Transactions to default the first two columns as Building Number and Building Name.
  • The Global Transactions Search has been enhanced to return data based on the new search conditions ‘Is Any Of’ and ‘Is Not Any Of’ for Account Code, Invoice Code and Fund Code criteria. To see the new search use the following steps.

 API Enhancements | GLMax Debtor Query & Update Contacts

  • Relevant for clients using API.

StrataMax 5.6.94 Released Thursday 30th November

EFT Manager | Batch information

  • EFT Manager now shows 'Batch ID' and 'Batch Start Date' on the 'EFT Manager - Summary' screen for started batches, aiding users in quickly identifying the newest batches awaiting approval and finalisation.

Local and Global Transaction Searches | Enhancements

Qld Disclosure Statement | Last Year S/F Balance

  • An enhancement has been introduced in the Info Editor. Users can now input a figure, which will be displayed in the corresponding section of a Disclosure Statement (Qld Certificate) when no financial year is available.

Process Bank Statements | Additional filters

Roll Forms | Western Australian Legislative Change

  • Roll Forms for Western Australian clients have been updated to reflect the legislation change from Section 35A to Section 105.

StrataMax 5.6.93 Released Wednesday 15th November

Transaction Search | Global and Local Transactions

  • The ‘Is Mutual Income’ has been updated to report as ‘Is Non-Mutual Income’ now.
  • A new field, ‘Running Balance’, is now accessible, enabling users to search and generate running balance reports on the search similar to the old Transaction Search reports.

Strata Hub | Reporting

  • Annual Uploading is available after entering the last Annual General Meeting data in Building Information, data can be uploaded to the Strata Hub Portal for individual buildings, those associated with a specific Account Manager, those with pending reports or all buildings.
  • Enhancements have been added to allow charges for Strata Hub Updates to be recorded and charged using TRMax Disbursements.
  • Added ability to update a current Strata Hub Report.

StrataMax 5.6.92 Released Thursday 2nd November

Centralised Login | Access to StrataMax Application Only

  • We have added the ability to allow access to StrataMax without providing access to the StrataMax Portal; for use in circumstances where Portal Access is not appropriate – for example Third Pary Access - Search Agent / Auditor / Accountant.

New Searches

  • There are now two new searches available Global Transactions and Local Transactions, which replace Search Transactions & Search Transactions (All Buildings). Security Permissions have also been updated.
    Please Note: Local and Global Transaction searches will also be available in GLMax without Fund/OC field options.

BING Mail Settings

  • The BingMail Settings have been changed from user level settings to Global settings. Also when re-sending a prior job from the Report Distribution Log the recorded BingMail settings for duplex, hold and Colour model will be used.

StrataMax 5.6.91 Released Thursday 19th October

Print Deposit Forms | Interface Enhancement

  • The Print Deposit Forms screen has been enhanced with a new interface more consistent with new StrataMax screens and to provide a more streamlined approach to completing deposit slips.

Certificate 40

  • The Certificate 40 (CERT40) has been enhanced to the new style of templates.

Communication warning Emails

  • A new warning message has been added to the Communication screen where there are more than 20 Recipients.

StrataMax v5.6.90 Released Thursday 5th October

Roll List / Roll Form | Notification Configuration 

  • The Roll Form and Roll List reports now have the option to include a building specific notification message. (Available for Roll List 1 only at this time).

Report Distribution | Levy Notice Title & Text Configuration 

  • Levy Notice Title and Levy Notice Text can now be configured in Report Distribution. which will output to specific Levy Notices. (Available for LNOTE_104a only at this time).

Report Distribution | Aged Balance Report Configuration 

  • Enhancements have been made to the Aged Balance Report configuration to add the ability to configure the report to output in code order or output in name order.  

Meeting Hub | New Committee Fields

  •  New Committee fields have been added to provide sorting order on Committee Member Templates. The new fields are Committee Member Given Names and Committee Member Surname which will allow the user to sort Committee Members in the  merge field by surname.

Email Template Manager 

StrataMax v5.6.89 Released Thursday 21st September

StrataCash Hub | Periodic Payments - Creditor List

  • Preferred Creditors & Inactive Creditor Filters are now available in the Periodic Payments Creditor Account Selector.

Search Inspections 

  • A Search Inspections feature has been added which is available to search for all Inspection Type information such as upcoming due dates and export to excel.

Search Transactions (All Buildings)

  • A Search Transactions (All Buildings) feature has been added which is available to search for all Transactions across selected buildings or the full portfolio and export to excel.
    Please Note: It is recommended to create & save searches for global reporting requirements to replace previously used Global / Group Reports.

StrataMax v5.6.88 Released Thursday 7th September

Email template Manager

  • Access to the Email Template Manager will now be available from the StrataMax Desktop Search or can be added to the desktop as a stand-alone menu icon.

Search Transactions | New Search Fields and Conditions

  • The Search Transactions screen has received new fields and further list options have been added too.

Search Buildings

  • A Search Buildings feature has been added which will allow fields from Building Information to be searched across all Buildings and exported to excel.

Invoice Printing | DDR message (Field 60)

  • The Direct Debit message (Field 60) has been activated for Invoices.

StrataMax v5.6.87 Released Thursday 24th August

Centralised Logins | One-time Access Codes for Managers

  • For the centralised login feature, a one-time access code can be generated to provide limited access to temporary users such as search agents.

DocMax | Notes Text Wrap

  • Enhancements have been made to the 'Notes' section in DocMax, under the Document Details section for documents. The highlighted notes section will now wrap text to allow more visibility to the user.

Search Selection Filters

  • Enhancements have been made to separate out selected items from the selection of the item when doing certain searches. This applies to Building Information, Search screens, DocMax Creditor Search

Meeting Hub Document Generation | New Field

StrataMax v5.6.86 Released Thursday 10th August

Report Distribution - Use BING for Email - Security Setting

Interactive Reports

Bank Account Setup - Other Investment Account

  • The Other Investment Account in Bank Account Setup will be disabled for SCM accounts as the statement data is downloaded automatically.
    On update, any SCM account set to Other Investment Account will be deactivated and set to Import and Reconcile.

Aged Balance Report - New Template Utility Second Debtors

  • A new template is now available for the Utility Billing Aged Balance List ‘SABLIST1 – Second Debtors Aged Balance List Template’. This template outputs the 'Email Address' and date of the most recent Utility Invoice rather than the last arrears.

StrataMax v5.6.85 Released Thursday 27th July

Merge Letters - Show All Reports

  • A new tick option has been introduced in Merge Letters to view all reports by unticking Merge Letters Only.

Merge Letters - Change of Details

  • When a change of details is completed in the Roll, we have added the ability to create a Report Set with no Merge Letter included with the Change of Details reports.

StrataMax v5.6.84 Released Thursday 13th July

Management Fees Setup

  • A new column has been added to the Management Fee Setup screen to display the percentage increase if set, as well as all fields now being available to report from the Management Fees Report.

Report Distribution - Simple/Advance

  • The option to view in Simple or Advance mode has been added to internal reports such as Roll List and Entry Report. 

Roll - Change of Ownership

  • Enhancements have been made in the Roll to provide an option during a Change of Ownership to keep the StrataPay Reference Number and some of the original owners due to a Deceased/Divorced ownership.

Centralised Login Overview

  • Exciting changes are on the way, we will be progressively rolling out changes to how you log in to StrataMax, making it more secure. View more information on Centralised Logins for details on the action to take to verify user accounts prior to upgrade.
    IMPORTANT NOTE:  When StrataMax is installed on a new PC, new users will need to have an account created in Security Setup. We also recommend user accounts are created for all active users as soon as possible to prevent delay in receiving future version updates. 

Receipting Configuration - QLD Legislation

  • A new per building configuration is now available for 'Queensland Outstanding Interest Allocation Rule' so that Interest is allocated to first if set.

Building Information - Account Groups - ABN/TFN/GST & Number of Lots/Entitlements

  • Building Information has the addition of ABN, TFN, GST Registered and Number of Lots/Entitlements fields now available for display in Account Group buildings.

StrataMax v5.6.83 Released Thursday 28th June

Merge Letter Enhancements 

  • Copy and Edit functions, including the comments and description areas are available. This also includes temporary letter enhancements that need not be stored permanently set for overnight removal via a data sync task.

New Search Field enhancements

  • A new Management Office and Account Manager field have been added to the Search Bank Account, Search Work Order, Search Quotes and Search Creditor Invoice Items searches (Account Manager not included here).

Roll Distribution - Bing and Printer Properties

  • BING printer and printing properties can now be set in the Report Distribution window.

Roll Submissions and the Log

  • Enhancements have been made to the Roll Log (ROLLED.LOG) to report changes submitted from a Portal Submission.

Changes to StrataPay Deposit Slips

  • From 1 July 2023, the StrataPay Deposit slip will include a template update to remove the cash option from Australia Post.

StrataMax v5.6.82 Released Thursday 15th June

New Search Functionality

  • New icons and screen have been added for new searches in StrataMax; Search Building Info History, Search Work Orders, and Search Quotes.

New Features | Merge Letters and Report Distribution

Roll List Report Consolidation

Contact Card Additional Email Preference Options

  • Email addresses can now be configured in the Roll for specific use throughout the system. For example, an email address can be specified for use in the Invoice Hub only.

Use BING for Email

  • The ability to use BING to distribute emails has been added to Report Distribution with this release. Emails will be sent to BING using configured email addresses and preferences and will be sent via the BING API if configured to use the API.

New Security Permissions

  • New permissions have been added to the Security Setup screen; 'Delete Merge Letter' and 'Edit Email Templates'.

New Reports Table

  • A variety of report tables have been added to multiple areas of StrataMax. 

Meeting Hub | New Merge Field

  • A new feature has been added to VoteMax to flag a Committee Election Nominee as ‘Nominated from the floor,’ and a new merge field has been created to accommodate this new functionality called ‘IsNominatedFromFloor’.

StrataMax v5.6.81 Released Thursday 1st June

Search Screen Enhancements | New Current Building Restriction

  • A new filter restriction - Current Building' field has been added to available search fields.

Building Information | Additional count of Lots

  • New fields have been added to Building Info to report the Total Number of Lots (Standard + Car Space + Storage Space) as well as the Number of Active Lots (Standard) which can be export to Excel.

Creditor Invoice Search

  • A new Search Creditor Invoices Items icon and menu is now available to users to search creditor invoice items that have been created based on set values; results can be exported to Excel.

Account Manager Edit | Deleting an Active Account Manager

  • When deleting an account manager that is active in a building, a prompt confirmation message will now appear and indicate whether the account manager is being used by any active buildings.

StrataMax v5.6.80 Released Thursday 18th May

Search Screen Enhancements

  • General purpose search screens have been enhanced to offer the ability to create 'Saved Searches' based on the set search criteria. Searches can be created and saved in areas such as Search Bank Accounts, Communications Search Logs, and the Log Viewer. Note that there is a permission in Security Setup, associated with this functionality, called 'Save Group and Saved Searches'.

Funds Management Report

Bank Account Setup

  • Enhancements have been added to Bank Account Setup, adding three extra account level fields to manage term deposit account functions.

Dashboard | Maturing Investment Accounts