StrataCash Accounts

StrataCash accounts, developed in conjunction with one of Australia's leading banks, have been specifically designed to cater for the needs of the strata industry. They deliver all of the normal account functionality such as EFTs, cheques, credit interest, statements and more. The accounts can also be integrated with StrataMax and StrataPay, as well as other software programs.

StrataCash accounts are used by over 10,000 owners corporations and bodies corporate managed by some of the largest strata management firms in Australia. StrataCash helps strata managers streamline processes and save time with the daily banking tasks.

  • StrataCash account functions
  • Opening or closing an account
  • Term Deposit Management
  • Traces and recalls
  • Transaction enquiries
  • General banking enquiries
  • Periodic Payments
  • Stop Cheque Payment request
  • Certificate of balance request
  • Audit Certificate request
  • Statement request
  • Authorise EFT payments
  • View log


The printing of in-house cheques is regulated by the Australian Paper Clearing System (APCS), which is overseen by the Australian Payments Network (AusPay). Please refer to their web site for all procedures and regulations pertaining to cheques, here:

Print a sample cheque from a building that uses the bank required so that the MICR line location/alignment can be checked. This should be done on the printer normally used for cheque printing that uses MICR toner, as different printers print slightly differently.
The sample(s) should also be printed on actual cheque paper. There are strict rules governing the MICR line location for cheque formatting, in order for issued cheques to be able to be read electronically for bank transaction processing. For this reason, particular care should be taken when loading the cheque paper into the printer. If this is not perfectly aligned, a discrepancy of a couple of millimetres could be enough for the MICR line position to be outside of the required area, regardless of whether the settings are correct.

Print Sample Cheques

  1. Search or select Payments.
  2. Click the Print Payments tab.
  3. Select the Sample radio button under the Payment Select section.
  4. Select the printer by clicking the ellipsis button […] button, (both cheque and EFT printing is required).
  5. Select the Original Only radio button in the copies section.
  6. Click the Print Payments 
    • Right-click this button to preview the cheque on screen first, before printing.

Checking MICR line

Once a sample cheque has been printed, place the cheque page in the gauge.

Sample of MICR gauge

The position they should be located:

MICR Print LineThe numbers and symbols should be located vertically within the boxes on the gauge, ideally in the centre of the MICR Line.
Agent Number fieldThe position of the first symbol must be in located in box 58 and the first number in box 57, right hand justified - as per above example.
Cheque Number FieldThe position of the first symbol must be located in box 45 and the first number in box 44, right hand justified - as per above example.
Bank/State/Branch FieldThe position of the first symbol must be in located in box 37 and the first number in box 36, second symbol must be location in box 33 with next number in box 32, and last symbol in box 29, right hand justified - as per above example.
Account Number FieldThe position of the first number must be in located in box 27 and the symbol in box 18, right hand justified  - as per above example.
Trancode FieldThe position of the first number must be in located in box 16, right hand justified  - as per above example.
Amount FieldThe position of the first symbol must be in located in box 12 and the first number in box 11, with the last symbol in box 1, right hand justified - as per above example.

Adjusting the MICR Line

Use MICR/OCR Setup to set the exact location for printing the MICR line or the OCR line, and individual elements each is made up of. Your bank will inform you if the MICR line is out of position and needs adjusting. You should also periodically check the alignment of the MICR line on cheques you print to make sure it is in an acceptable position.

  1. Search or select Payments.
  2. Select the Tools > MICR/OCR Setup.
  3. In the Format Name table select SCM, and click the Edit button.
  4. Adjust the positions as required, starting with the MICR Print Line, as it easier to adjust one item at a time.  Once the MICR Print Line is correct, move on to each field to ensure its position is correct.

All measurements are calculated in 300 dots-per-inch (dpi). So 300 dots in a row will equate to one inch on paper. Apart from the 'MICR Print Line' location, all locations are counted from the very left edge of the page. The 'MICR Print Line' is counted from the top edge of the page.

  1. Now adjust the other field positions as required.
  2. Repeat the process until each field is in correct alignment, both vertically, and in the figure/box positions as per the cheque printing gauge.
  3. Once all positions are correct, print ten sample cheques using the MICR toner & printer, and cheque paper.
  4. Complete the AusPay Printer Identifier Registration Form, found on the AusPay web site (link above).
  5. Send the form and sample cheques to StrataCash.

Levy payments by cheque

If an owner uses a cheque for payment of their levies, the previously printed Levy Notice (containing the StrataPay deposit slip) will need to be printed out again and sent with the cheque to StrataCash.

To print the levy notice again, follow the instructions in Levy Notice Stored Report.

Non-Levy Deposits

When a payment is received for other income besides levies (Insurance Claim Refund or searches). You may want to consider your deposit method based on the banking facilities you have locally, and/or the type of deposit (cheque, cash etc).

Bank of Queensland Branch
If a BOQ branch is nearby, deposit the cash or cheques using the Bank Slip Report method.

Australia Post Branch
If an Australia Post branch is nearby, cash and/or cheques can be deposited using the Print Deposit Form method with a StrataPay slip.

StrataPay Team
Cheques can be sent to the StrataPay Team using the Print Deposit Form method with a StrataPay payment slip. Cash cannot processed through this channel.

StrataCash Team
Alternatively cheques can be sent to the StrataCash team using the Bank Slip Report method with a printed bank deposit slip.  Cash cannot processed through this channel.

Print Deposit form to Deposit Funds

To print a deposit form for StrataMax, the account code/s must be set up so the system can automatically process the funds through the banking process. This will issue a unique Agent Number, as per these steps:

Set up Agent Number/s

  1. Search or select Print Deposit Forms. 
  2. Click Agent Numbers Setup.
  3. Click Add (if the account code does not already have an Agent Number).
  4. Select an income code for Insurance (105) for example.
  5. The code will be given an agent number e.g. 80105 (this is automatic, do not change the number).
  6. Click Close.

Print Deposit Form 

  1. Search or select Print Deposit Forms. 
  2. Click on Agent Numbers Setup.
  3. Select the income code – tag
  4. Click Proceed.
  5. Enter the details of the cheque and click OK.
  6. Print.

Keep the top section for future reference and tear the bottom section off and send with the cheque to StrataPay, or this can be deposited at an Australia Post branch.

The amount will automatically match during the banking process, so there will be no need to action this manually in the Bank Rec menu.

Receipt Payment | Bank Slip Report

This is a two-step process - Receipt the payment in StrataMax first, then print the Bank Slip Report:

Receipt Payments in StrataMax 

  1. Search or select Receipt Entry.
  2. Ensure the type is New Entry in the red box on the right.
  3. Select the account code to receipt the payment to, e.g.: Insurance Claim Refund Code.
  4. Enter the details, including if you received cash or a cheque.
  5. Press Save.

Print  ‘Bank Slip Report’

  1. Search or select Bank Slip Report.
  2. Daily Banking will be tagged by default, and if you use this report regularly, the system will pick up all unpresented receipts since the report was last printed. Alternatively a date range can be specified.
  3. Tag the box next to the building name in Selected Building Only if applicable, or tag all buildings.
  4. Click Proceed.

If the receipt and Bank Slip Report dates are different, there will be an unpresented receipt, which will need to manually be tagged when the deposit comes through in the banking:

  1. In Bank Reconciliation select the unmatched deposit transaction.
  2. Click the Tag List button to view all unpresented transactions on the account.
  3. Click on the appropriate unpresented receipt, and then click on ‘Add/Subtract’ so that the ‘Item to Match’ amount is the same as the ‘Total Addition’ amount at the top of the window.
  4. When these match, click the Tag Marked button and the close the window.
  5. The deposit in the Statement Entry/Processing tab should now be matched.

Audit Certificate Request

This options is only available for StrataCash accounts as other banks will not accept this form. Nor is it possible for investment accounts where the main account is not a StrataCash account. In these instances you will be presented with a pop-up advising "SCM Reference Number NOT set!..."

Setting up Audit Certificate Requests

StrataCash automates the Audit Certificate Request process, but only after the following setup has been done.

  1. Click the StrataCash icon in the far right hand corner of the StrataMax desktop.
  2. Click the Audit Certificate Request button.
  3. Click Edit Bank Audit Details.
  4. Add a Bank Audit entry for each bank and investment account for the building.
    • This refers to the bank’s name and address for requesting Audit Certificates.
  5. Click Add/Remove/Edit.
  6. Click on the relevant bank, then click OK. 
  7. If it’s not on the list click Cancel then on the next window to appear, select New, and enter the bank details. If the bank address is different from the actual Branch address, enter the address. Otherwise, in the first address line enter Use Branch (this will use the bank address from a list supplied by StrataMax).
  8. In the Reference field, enter the Bank ID for this Bank Audit entry (e.g. SCM, NAB, BOQ, CBA, WBC, etc)
  9. In the Business Category field, select Bank Audit, click OK.
  10. Click Save, then Exit.
  11. Repeat the process if the building does banking with multiple banks.
  12. Print, sign and email the form to StrataCash who will then forward it to the bank.

Request an Audit Certificate

After ensuring all setup procedures have been followed, an Audit Certificate can now be requested. 

  1. Click the StrataCash icon in the far right hand corner of the StrataMax desktop.
  2. Click the Audit Certificate Request button.
  3. Make a selection:
    • Auto Print for Required Banks - if the set up procedures have been carried out, this selection will produce an Audit Certificate Request for the main bank account and any investment accounts for this building.
    • Manual Select Required Banks - this gives you the Bank Audit list to choose from and/or the Audit List.

Auto Print for Required Banks
If the set up procedures have been carried out, this selection will produce an Audit Certificate Request for the main bank account and any investment accounts for this building.  If the setup is incomplete, a list of banks or auditors will be displayed to choose from.

  1. Click OK.
  2. The Bank Confirmation Audit Request form will now be displayed. Click Print.

If Split Banking is being used and Investment Accounts are included, the posting accounts will be auto selected. 

Manual Select Required Banks
The Bank Audit list will appear to choose from and/or the Audit List.

  1. Click the relevant Auditor, and click OK (click the Show All button if not all Bank Auditors are displayed).
  2. Click the relevant bank, and click OK (Bank Applicant must have the address of the bank. Use Branch is only to be used on Auto Print for Required Banks).
  3. Click OK.
  4. Enter the date for the Audit Certificate (last day of the 12 month period required).
  5. Click Print, and one form will print for each bank.
  6. Any accounts that have been setup and have had activity in the past year or so will be included, even if their balance is zero. This is because the audit requires details of closed accounts as well as current.
  7. Sign the forms where indicated, and post to the bank via the postal address noted on the form.

Set/Clear Auto Date Setting

Click this button to change the building setting to/from Financial Year End. This feature is designed to be used when the FYE date shouldn't be the Audit Certificate date

Changing the Bank Address

  1. Select Edit bank Audit details.
  2. Click Add/Remove/Edit.
  3. Select the applicable bank, then OK.
  4. Edit the address / details.
  5. Click Save then Exit.