
Click on any of the titles below to navigate to reference material relating to the topic. The search bar can also be used to search for particular articles.

Accounting & Taxation

This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to accounting and taxation in StrataMax. StrataMax uses accrual based accounting which means income and expenses are recorded when they occur.


This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to banking in StrataMax.

BMC & Shared Facility

This section of Online Help covers the various processes and menus that relate to BMCs and Shared Facilities in StrataMax.

Creditors & Payments

This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to creditors & payments in StrataMax.

Utility Billing

This category contains all of the information relating to Utility Billing module and has all of the information relating to setup, configuration, tariffs, meter maintenance, debtor maintenance, billing and arrears.

Levies & Arrears

This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to levies & arrears in StrataMax.

Owners & Debtors

This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to owners & debtors in StrataMax.

Property Info

This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to property info in StrataMax.


This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to administration in StrataMax.

Integrated Modules

This section refers to modules that will assist with GLMax, TRMax, DocMax, TaskMax and Invoice Hub.