This is a comprehensive guide, designed to take Meeting Hub users through the entire life cycle of a meeting in Meeting Hub. Covering topics such the creation of a meeting, issuing the notice, recording pre-meeting votes, adding meeting attendees, running and finalising the meeting, and issuing the minutes.
New Meeting Creation
The first step in the Meeting Hub end-to-end process, is to create a new meeting, which is covered in this first section of the guide. The ability to create a new meeting is available to all Meeting Hub users - both with 'Standard' and 'Admini...
New Ballot Creation
The first step in the Meeting Hub end-to-end process, is to create a new meeting, which is covered in this first section of the guide. The ability to create a new meeting is available to all Meeting Hub users - both with 'Standard' and 'Administ...
Meeting Details
After the meeting creation process , the Meeting Details screen will be displayed. This section of our guide explains what each different section of this screen is for, and how it works. Meeting notices can be generated and distributed from t...
Committee Elections
This section of the guide explains all the various screens that relate to adding a committee election motion to a meeting in Meeting Hub, and how to manage the committee election nominations and their votes after the meeting agenda/notice has been...
Meeting Notices
This section of the guide covers how to generate, edit, and distribute the meeting notice in Meeting Hub, after the meeting creation process . In order to generate the meeting notice, the meeting status must not have progressed to 'Notice Issue...
Meeting Overview and Attendance
This article covers the Meeting Overview screen in Meeting Hub. This screen only becomes accessible whilst a meeting has a status of ‘Notice Issued’, ‘Reconvened Meeting’ or ‘Meeting Adjourned’. For meeting with statuses of ‘M...
Manage Agenda & Motion Details
This article is a guide for the Manage Agenda & Motion Details screen in Meeting Hub . This screen has been designed to allow motions to be amended or withdrawn while a meeting is in progress or has been recently held. Amended and withdrawn m...
In-Meeting Management
This section of our guide covers how to run a meeting in Meeting Hub, including the management of attendees and motions. If you have not had previous experience with Meeting Hub, we recommend starting with the Meeting Hub basics and ...
Meeting Adjournment
This article is a guide on how to adjourn a meeting in Meeting Hub. In order to adjourn a meeting, the meeting status must be 'Notice Issued,' 'Meeting in Progress' or 'Reconvened Meeting'. Check the Meeting Status under the 'Details' section on t...
Offline Voting Register
This article covers the Offline Voting Register , which is available in Meeting Hub, more specifically the Meeting Overview screen. To use the Offline Voting Register some Excel knowledge is required. In depth instructions are available in the ...
Meeting Minutes
This section of the guide covers how to generate, edit, and distribute the meeting minutes in Meeting Hub, after a meeting has been finalised. In order to generate the meeting minutes, all the Template Groups must be present. When p...