StrataMax Portal | Advanced Setup & Customisation

This page contains the StrataMax Portal Advanced Setup & Customisation.pdf that covers how to customise the StrataMax Portal, and includes the following topics:

  1. Introduction
  2. Site Customisation (Appearance)
    • Create a New Theme
    • Add Your Company Logo
    • Customise your Colours
    • Assign a Theme
    • Edit the Assigned Theme
    • Creating a Custom Login Page
  3. Documents
  4. Images
  5. Site Features
    • Contact Us Configuration
    • Show / Hide Pages
    • Customise the FAQ
  6. Site Content
    • Create New Building – Specific Home Page
    • Main Page Properties - Building Specific Home Page
    • Main Page Content - Building Specific Home Page
    • Adding Content Containers (Blocks) - Explanations
    • Create Custom Home Page
    • Additional Custom Pages
    • Edit Custom Home Page
    • Copy a Page
    • Tool Bar Explanations