Proxy Manager

The instructions in this article relate to Proxy Manager. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

This menu is for setting up a list of Proxy Holders prior to the preparation of an Attendance & Voting Register. Permanent proxies noted in the Roll will be preset. The proxy list may be amended prior to a meeting if required. 

Proxy Manager Configuration

1. No Records Printed Report
If a report produces no records, choose what happens:

  • Confirm Each Time
  • Always Print Report
  • Never Print Report

2. No Records Printed Report - Global Report
If a report produces no records, choose what happens:

  • Confirm Each Time
  • Always Print Report
  • Never Print Report

3. Global Reports Open Access
If ticked, the the global report process will not check locked buildings.

Enter or Edit a Proxy for a Lot

If a Proxy is entered into Proxy Manager this will be reported instead of Nominee or Representatives in the Roll

  1. Search or select Proxy Manager. 
  2. Click the Proxy Editor option, and then click Proceed.
  3. Select the lot account to edit a proxy for, and click Edit.
  4. Click on one of the following options to select it:
    • No Clearance - None of the previous proxies will be deleted.
    • Clear Non-Permanent - Only the previous non-permanent proxies will be deleted.
    • Clear Expired Proxies - Only expired proxies will be deleted.
    • Clear All Proxies - All proxy records, permanent and non-permanent will be deleted.
  5. The list of lot accounts for this building will be displayed in Lot Account order > select the lot account to enter a proxy for and click Edit.
  6. Type in the Proxy Name.
  7. Type in the Date Appointed.
  8. Type in the Expiry Date for this proxy if they are non-permanent.
  9. Type a Y for yes or a N for no in Permanent.
  10. Add any Conditions.
  11. Click on OK.

Delete a Proxy for a Lot

  1. Search or select Proxy Manager.  
  2. Click the Proxy Editor option, and then click Proceed.
  3. Select the lot account to delete a proxy for.
  4. Click Delete (Deletes the proxy information, but not the record).
  5. Click on Close.

Print the Proxy Report

These instructions include previewing the report before printing it.

  1. Search or select Proxy Manager.
  2. In the options section click on Proxy/Nominee Report so that it is marked.
  3. If you wish to preview the report before printing it, click on Preview Report so that it is marked.
  4. Click on Proceed.

  1. Click on the report sort order to use. The list will be printed in order of the selected field:
    • Account Number.
    • Lot Number.
    • Owner.
    • Proxy Holder.

To set this sort order as the default for all buildings, click on Set as default so that it is marked.

  1. Click on OK.
  2. Tag all or a selection of lots to be printed in this report, and click OK.
  3. If you chose to preview the report first then it will be displayed. 
  4. If presented with the Report Setup print options set the options as you require, then click on OK to print/ produce the report.