Meeting Hub Release Notes Archive

This page contains Release Notes for older updates for Meeting Hub & VoteMax. This could be helpful for clients who would like to know when a specific enhancement or change was introduced.

Meeting Hub & VoteMax

Meeting Hub & Online Voting Enhancements | 2.4.3 Released 20th February 2023
Committee Election - Ordinary Member Enhancements
Votes for nominees for ordinary positions don't need to be collected if the nominee has already been elected in an executive position within the same meeting. These nominees will become inactive in the motion' screen 'Election of Committee - Ordinary Member', in In-Meeting Management. A tool tip will appear, advising that the nominee has already been elected for an executive position.

Manage Agenda and Motion Details | Locking and Withdrawing Motions
In Meeting Hub, the Manage Agenda and Motion Details screen has been enhanced for committee meetings, to allow existing motions to be locked into position, and to allow motions to be withdrawn. These changes ensure functionality on the page is consistent for general and committee meetings.

What’s Better
An additional five enhancements have been included in this update. Please see the last page in the release notes for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting Enhancements | 2.4.2 Released 6th February 2023
New merge field ‘Aggregate Entitlements'
A new merge field labelled ‘Aggregate Entitlements’ has been added to the Merge field editor for Standard Motions in the Body, Explanatory Notes and Voting Instruction WYSIWYG fields. This field contains the 'Total Contribution Entitlements' which is found on the Building Information screen.

Adding apologies has been enhanced
An 'Add Apology’ option has been added to the Attendance drop down button on the Meeting Overview screen, which opens the new 'Add Apology' screen.
An 'Add Apology' button has also been added to the Attendance Register screen, which also opens the new 'Add Apology' page.
The Voting Method drop-down in the Add Attendance screen has a new option called, 'Apology'.
A new 'Add Apology' screen has been introduced and can be accessed from the Meeting Overview or Attendance Register screens.

Meeting alerts can be filtered on the Meetings screen
The filter on the main Meetings screen in Meeting Hub was previously applied to the 'Planning,' 'Active', and 'Recently Held' lists. This functionality has been enhanced to also filter the meeting alerts that appear at the top of the Meetings screen.

Enhancement to the generation of adjourned meeting minutes
Minutes documents generated for an adjourned meeting using the 'Generate Meeting Minutes' button on the Meeting Overview screen, have been enhanced.

What’s Better
An additional five enhancements have been included in this update. Please see the last page in the release notes for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting Enhancements | 2.4.1 Released 30th January 2023
Meeting Hub | Updates to committee election nominee selection
The Committee Nominations Edit screen has additional validation introduced; a nominee is no longer able to be flagged as elected unopposed to both an executive position and an ordinary position as well as to ensure multiple nomination entries are unable to be entered for the same individual (lot owner).

In Meeting Voting slides
When all nominees for an ordinary position have been elected to an executive position, the proceed button will now appear as ‘Proceed with No Nominations’. Text will now be displayed on the Motion Result slide and Close Meeting slide. 

What’s Better
An additional two enhancements have been included in this update. Please see the last page in the release notes for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub and Online Voting Enhancements (there are no release notes for this update) | 2.4.0 Released 11th January 2023
With the release of BCMax 5.6.70 and 5.6.71, clients who have been upgraded will now be able to use the new Microsoft Edge browser for Meeting Hub within BCMax. This provides several performance improvements over the original IE9 browser that will be beneficial for clients to adopt, including:

  • Better performance throughout Meeting Hub, such as improvements in the page performance when displaying a large number of meetings on the home page
  • Increased security benefits from being on a modern browser that is supported and updated by Microsoft.

Clients will need to be on version StrataMax version 5.6.71 or above and there are checks in place to make sure they have the correct version of Edge installed as well.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting Enhancements | 2.3.6 Released 19th December 2022
Adjourned Meetings | Attendees
When meetings are adjourned, details of the meeting, including attendees and their votes, are copied to create the reconvened meeting detail. See the table in the Meeting Adjournment article for more info.

What’s Better
An additional three enhancements have been included in this update. Please see the last page in the release notes for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting Enhancements | 2.3.5 Released 21st November 2022
Ballot Only Meeting Dates
Ballot Only meetings have been enhanced with more options for date interpretations.

Attendance Register | Search Roll
The Search Roll page has been enhanced to allow the manager to easily see if a lot has already been added to the attendance register for the meeting.

What’s Better
The Reconvened Meeting page has been updated, the `Voting Close Date and Time` field, is now set as same date time value of 'Reconvened Meeting Date and Time' field.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting Enhancements | 2.3.4  Released 7th November 2022
Meeting Hub | Add multiple nominees on Committee Nomination Details screen
The Committee Nomination Details page has been enhanced to allow multiple nominees to be added without exiting the page.

Meeting Hub | Add multiple attendees on the Add Attendance screen
A new button, ‘Save & Add’, has be introduced on the Add Attendance page to allow multiple attendees to be added without having to reset the page.

Meeting Hub | Meeting Open & Close Date | Notice Issued to Meeting Held
When a meeting is updated from Notice Issued to Meeting Held via the Meeting Overview, a new pop up dialog containing Meeting Open Date Time & Meeting Close Date Time fields will now appear.

Meeting Hub | Buidling Legislative Act Changes
If the legislative act of a building is not supported by Meeting Hub, the voting outcome 'Not Supported' is now returned for all motions in the building's meeting.

What’s Better
An additional 2 enhancements have been included in this update. Please see the last page in the release notes for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting Enhancements | 2.3.3  Released 24th October 2022
Meeting Hub | Attendance Register Financial Status
The Attendance Register screen has a new button to set the Financial checkbox to be aligned with their Financial in BCMax value for all attendees.

Meeting Hub | Adjourned/Reconvened Meetings Enhancements
Multiple enhancements have been introduced to the Reconvened Meeting screen as part of the Adjourn Meeting process.

What’s Better
An additional 6 enhancements have been included in this update. Please see the last page in the release notes for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 19th September 2022
VoteMax | Additional text added to the Introduction page
Text has been added on the VoteMax Introduction page under the `Important voting instruction` section, to advise the user that a confirmation of their votes will now be emailed to them automatically.

New Alert message on the Meeting Attendee Vote Details page
On the 'Meeting Attendee Vote Details' page, if a meeting includes a committee election and the manager selects the 'Save' button without viewing or selecting the 'Committee Election' tab, a pop-up modal is now presented.

Existing alerts updated on the Meetings page for Ballot and General meetings
Two alerts on the Meetings page in Meeting Hub have been updated to include the Meeting type in the text.

Resolution Body added to Standard Motion type Motion to Accept Amendment
The Motion to Accept Amendment, Standard Motion type has been enhanced to allow the Resolution Body section to be selected when creating the motion.

Ordinary Members can be elected unopposed for the Committee Election
The Ordinary member position for a Committee Election on the In Meeting Management page has been enhanced with a new button ‘Proceed with elected unopposed’.

What’s Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 6 for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 15th August 2022
Ballot Only Meeting Enhancements
The 'Ballot Close Date and Time' field has been enhanced to reflect the date and time the ballot was finalised if it is finalised before the scheduled date and time. 

Committee Nominations Screen | Ordinary Members
The Committee Nominations Details screen has been enhanced to allow an ordinary member to be elected unopposed regardless of whether or not the executive positions have been filled.

South Australia Committee Election Enhancements
Meeting Hub has been enhanced to allow South Australian buildings to nominate and vote on the following positions in a committee election:

  • Presiding officer (chairperson)
  • Treasurer 
  • Secretary 
  • Ordinary member. 

What's Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 7 for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub Template Enhancements Released 4th October 2022
We have made enhancement to the OTS templates for Queensland and have released the new (v3.0) templates.

Your current v2.0 templates have not been removed and no current meetings in your Meetings list will be impacted.

However, it is important that you update all Standard Meetings to use the v3.0 templates as soon as possible to ensure that all new meetings created use the v3.0 templates as the v2.0 Meeting Notice templates will be removed on Monday 7th November 2022.

Here are some highlights of the changes we made to Meeting Notice templates:

  • Improved the Committee Election template to display information more efficiently
  • Made formatting changes to improve design of all templates
  • Notice Issued date will now display on all templates
  • Meeting Date has been added to the footer for all templates 

The following Meeting Notice templates have been released to your environment

  • QLD - General Meeting Notice - 1 of 4 (Meeting Details) - OTS V3.0
  • QLD - General Meeting Notice - 2 of 4 (Explanatory Schedule) - OTS V3.0
  • QLD - General Meeting Notice - 3 of 4 (Voting Paper) - OTS V3.0
  • QLD - General Meeting Notice - 4 of 4 (Committee Election) - OTS V3.0
  • QLD - Committee Meeting Notice (Cover Page & Motions) - OTS V3.0
  • QLD - VOC Notice (Cover Page & Motions) - OTS V3.0

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 25th July 2022
Enhancements to VoteMax settings in Meeting Hub
VoteMax settings in Meeting Hub have been enhanced to allow a Strata Manager to further define how VoteMax can be used for a meeting. These settings are available on the Create Meeting, Meeting Details, Meeting Overview and Commence Meeting screens.

Enhancements to the In Meeting Management screen in Meeting Hub
There have been key enhancements made to the In Meeting Management screen, including the renaming of a number of buttons.

Changes to the Voting Tally
When In Meeting Voting has been enabled for a meeting and the Strata Manager chooses to submit votes via the Voting Tally, a warning message will be displayed advising them that all votes must be collected in person.

Enhancements to VoteMax
Voting via VoteMax has expanded from the existing pre-meeting voting capability to allowing owners to submit their votes while the meeting is in progress. These include:

  • Updates to the VoteMax Meeting List
  • VoteMax Meeting Details screen
  • VoteMax Declaration screen
  • VoteMax In Meeting Voting screen

What’s Coming
An additional 4 enhancements are in the pipeline and are anticipated to be released very soon. These are outlined on page 11 of the release notes.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 11th July 2022
Manage Agenda & Motion Details Screen
A new screen, ‘Manage Agenda & Motion Details’, has been added to Meeting Hub to allow motions to be managed while a meeting is in progress or has been recently held. See the Manage Agenda & Motion Details article for details on all the new available functions on this screen.

Amended Motions In-Meeting Functionality
With the new ability of being able to amend motions whilst meetings are in progress, we have also introduced new functionality to in-meeting voting whereby attendees can vote on accepting the amendments of a motion. See In-Meeting Amended Motions for more details.

Viewing the Outcome of an Amended Motion
With the introduction of amended motions, we have added new elements and functionality to the Motion Summary screen for these motions. This includes options to select which components of the amended motion they want to include in the meeting minutes.

Please note that a new version (v3.1) of the OTS templates are being released shortly in order to enhance the formatting of the amended motions on the meeting minutes. Please see these instructions to learn how to replace your templates:

New Motion Type ‘Motion to Accept Amendment’
A motion type called ‘Motion to Accept Amendment’ has been introduced in Meeting Hub and will be used when a manager requires meeting attendees to vote to accept the amendment of a motion.

Meeting Notice Button
A new button, labelled ‘Meeting Notice’ has been added to the Meeting Overview screen so that managers can regenerate, edit and distribute meeting notices for meetings where the motions have been added, amended or withdrawn. This button is also included in the new Manage Agenda & Motion Details screen.

What’s Better
Agenda Items have been added to the In-Meeting Voting function for more fluent running of General and Committee meetings.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 4th May 2022
Standard Motions
For a new or existing standard motion, the new Committee Resolution type is added to the required resolution dropdown, only if the motion type is either Motion, Motion with Alternatives or Vote on Options only.

Standard Meetings
For new standard committee meetings, when selecting standard motions to add to the standard meeting, the list of standard motions to select from is filtered to those that have a resolution type that is applicable to the meeting type.

Standard Meeting Details
Standard committee meetings with standard motions attached that have resolution types that do not apply to the meeting type will be easily identified in the meeting details page by an alert icon, advising ‘Motion has an invalid required resolution for a Committee Meeting.’.

New meetings will only be able to add motions and standard motions with a resolution type relevant to the meeting type.

Displaying Motion Details
For motions with a 'Committee Resolution', the resolution type will no longer be displayed on certain motion details pages.

Offline Voting Register
The Offline Voting Register has received a series of enhancement, which are bullet-pointed on page 6.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 7th April 2022
Merge Fields
Collections of new merge fields have been added and new sorting and filtering criteria have been added for list merge fields.

NOTE: Template Groups for minutes will need to be amended.

Merge Field Editor
Available merge fields can now be filtered by search text.

What’s Better
An additional 5 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 4 for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 14h March 2022
What’s Better
An additional 3 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 3 for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 7th March 2022
Meeting Adjourned Screen
Using the ‘Adjourn Meeting’ button from the Meeting Overview screen will display a new Meeting Adjourned screen which leads on to the new Reconvened Meeting screen. This is only available for meetings in a status of 'Notice Issued', 'Meeting in Progress' or 'Reconvened Meeting.'

Meeting Overview Screen Enhancement
New changes have been made to enhance functionality in the Meeting Overview screen.

Commence Meeting Screen | Quorum Details
Quorum details have been added to the Commence Meeting screen.

Motion Moved and Seconded by
A new screen is added to allow the user to select an attendee who moved and seconded a motion.

Adding Documents to Meeting Minutes
A new section, ‘Minutes Attachments’, has been added to the Meeting Overview screen so that additional documents can be attached to the minutes to the meeting for its duration.

What’s Better
An additional 2 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 10 for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 16th February 2022
Additional Merge Field
The 'Building Long Name' merge field has been added to Meeting Hub under the 'Building' category in the Body, Explanatory Notes and Voting Instructions fields in Standard Agenda Items and Standard Motions.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 24th January 2022
An issue with standard same-issue motions was causing an exception and preventing a meeting from progressing has been resolved.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 17th January 2022
Last Modified date and user
When creating and modifying template groups and Standard entities the ‘Last Modified date’ and ‘User Name’ has been added to the screen. This will alert users which templates have been recently edited.

Setting Default Sorting
Default lists on the following pages are now sorted by Title: Standard Agenda Items, Standard Motions, Standard Meetings, and Template Groups.

What’s Better
An additional 3 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 20th December 2021
Quorum Present Checkbox
The quorum indicator in Meeting Hub provides an estimate only. The Strata Manager will be required to determine whether or not quorum has been met for a meeting. To facilitate recording this information, the ‘Quorum Present’ checkbox has been added to the ‘Commence Meeting’ page.

What’s Better
Five additional improvements have been added as well, which are detailed on the last page of the release notes.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 8th December 2021
Highlighting Meetings that require action
Enhancements have been made to the Meeting Hub Main Menu screen to highlight meetings that may require action by the Strata Manager.

Ballot Only Meetings
You can now enter the ballot voting window date and time, and once that window has closed, you can 'finalise' the meeting.

In-Meeting Voting & Management
This new function has been designed for Strata Managers to effectively manage meetings that are in progress, collect votes, overrule motions outcomes, amend the motion resolution body, and much more. See page 5 onwards in the release notes and the In-Meeting Voting article for more information.

Meeting Alerts
Additional alerts have been introduced in Meeting Hub to assist with managing meetings and attendees.

What's Better
Four additional improvements have been added as well, which are detailed on the last page of the release notes.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 9th August 2021
Excluding voting within Meeting Hub for Proxy voters
Current legislation states that where a building state is equal to QLD and a motion’s required resolution is set to ‘Majority Resolution’ then proxy voting should be prevented.

Offline Voting Register for Motions when No Proxy Voting has been set
A new column 'Is Proxy Voting Forbidden' has been added to the Motions sheet in the Offline Voting Register, which will be used to populate the ‘No Proxy Voting’ flag from the motion in Meeting Hub.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 1st June 2021
Committee nomination Sort Order
Changes have been made to Meeting Hub, VoteMax, Offline Voting Register and Document Generation to allow clients to have a choice in how they order committee nominees.

Other Improvements & Enhancements
Check the last page on these release notes for a full list of other improvements.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 18th May 2021
Offline Voting Register
Two enhancements have been made to the voting register. The ‘Poll Required’ field in the 'Voting Register' tab now allows the manager to select either ‘Y’ or ‘N’. New columns have been added to the 'Voting Register' tab to accommodate non-owner office bearers with nominating lot details.

Attendance Register
The ‘Eligible to Vote’ tick box for non-owner office bearers is now determined based on the type of meeting being held (general or committee meeting) and the whether or not the non-owner office bearer was nominated by a lot.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 29th April 2021
Group of Same-Issue Motions
The Standard Motion page has been enhanced to allow Same-Issue motions to be attached to a Standard Group of Same-Issue motions.

Attendance Register

  • The default sort order has changed to now be by lot number (lowest to highest).
  • Tool tips have been added on several headings to provide greater insight into the desired use of their corresponding columns.
  • An additional message prompt has been added when votes have been withdrawn.

Motion Type
When creating new Motions or Standard Motionsthe Type field can no longer be changed once the Motion or Standard Motion has been saved.

Meeting Hub Enhancements Released 5th April 2021
Pagination and Items Per Page
The Meetings List and Historical Meeting pages have been enhanced to include pagination and page filtering improving the performance of the pages.

QLD building SFP, BFP and VP 
The Queensland legislation changes that came into effect on 1st March 2021 specifically prevents the use of motions with alternatives for general meetings, however this has not been stipulated for committee meetings and ballots, so this has now been enabled.

Other Improvements & Enhancements
Check the last page on these release notes for a full list of other improvements.