StrataMax Release Notes Archive

This page contains Release Notes for older updates for StrataMax. This could be helpful for clients who would like to know when a specific enhancement or change was introduced to StrataMax

StrataMax Version 5.6

StrataMax v5.6.79
Released Thursday 4th May
Building Information I New Options
Building Information screen now includes the ability to select, preview and delete a CMS document.

Unpresented Payments and Receipts Report
Unpresented payments and receipts are now managed separately, to assist with improving the processing speed of daily banking. With this change a new menu Unpres. Payments and Receipts has been introduced as well as a Security option and a newly titled report for inclusion in Report Set. There are also a new columns for the Account Code and Account Name added to the Dashboard items No.Days Oldest Receipt Remains Unpresented and No.Days Oldest Payments Remains Unpresented. 

What's Better
An additional 3 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see the last page for details on each.

Building Transfers - Version 5.6.79 is not backwards compatible and Building Transfers from 5.6.79 to pre-79 clients will not be available.

StrataMax v5.6.78 Released Thursday 20th April
EFT Manager I New Validation
If a payment is excluded or reversed outside of EFT Manager and EFT Manager has a batch loaded, the exclude and reverse options are available and can still be used. Enhancements have now been made to validate when the exclude or reverse options are selected and the batch has a payment that has been reversed or excluded while having the EFT Manager window active, the user will be advised that the batch needs to be reloaded.

Building Information | Meeting Details
Changes have been made to the Meeting Details output to spreadsheet, the output will now include meeting dates, times, and meeting details.

Bank Account Setup | Enhancements
Changes have been made in Bank Account Setup to make the ‘Remove’ button more obvious and add a tool tip to assist users.

Process Bank Statements | New Remove Option
A new option has been added to the Process Bank Statements screen to remove closed bank accounts where reconciliations have been completed.

What's Better
An additional 6 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see the last page for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.77 Released Thursday 6th April
NSW Strata Hub | AGM Meeting Dashboard Report
A new Dashboard tile has been created to show buildings where reporting has exceeded the configured threshold since the building's last AGM date.

All Bank Accounts | New Columns
New columns have been added to the 'All Bank Accounts' screen, which will allow users to export more information.

All Bank Accounts | New Security permission
A new permission has been added to Security Setup, called ‘Search Bank Accounts’ that controls access to the 'All Bank Accounts' screen.

New icon | Search Bank Accounts
A new icon and menu item has been added called ‘Search Bank Accounts’. This will display the same the 'All Bank Accounts' screen in Bank Account Setup.

Bank Reconciliation | Automate Create Bank Transfers
A new option has been added when creating a legend in Bank Reconciliation, that would help identify potential transfer between accounts and process them automatically.

What's Better
An additional 7 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see the last page for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.76 Released 23rd March 2023
Bank Account Setup | Account Type selections
Enhancements have been made to Bank Account Setup to include on-screen notes for the account type selections as well as a new 'Status' column. An 'Other Investment Account' radio button has also been added to replace the old 'Manual' tick box for when statement files are not available and manual reconciliation is required.

Bank Reconciliation | New Configuration setting
A configuration setting has been added to the Bank Reconciliation configuration called 'Bank to Bank Transfer Date Tolerance'. This will assist with managing bank transfers sent the next business day.

What's Better
An additional 5 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see the last page for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.75 Released 9th March 2023
Automatic Month End Rollovers
Enhancements have been made to Automatic Month End Rollovers to check investment and operating accounts.

Process Bank Statements
Buildings that have the Manual Entry box ticked in Bank Account Setup will now be identified in the Process Bank Statements screen.

What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see the last page for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.74 Released 23rd February 2023
Building Information | Office Bearer Mobile/Contact Details
Building Information screen now includes an extra column for the mobile number for committee members.

Roll/Plan Report
The Roll Plan Report has been reinstated and is now available in the Roll screen, in the Reports menu.

Security Setup | Creditor Invoices
A new security permission called ‘Creditor Invoices-Edit Description’ has been added. This controls a user's access to change the description of any creditor invoices in the Payments Management screen.

Process Bank Statements | New Configuration
New configuration option called ‘Default Account Type Filter’ has been added to the 'Configuration' screen in Process Bank Statements.

Bank Account Setup | Import unregistered bank accounts
A new import option has been added to the Bank Account Setup screen for any bank accounts for banks other than SCM (SCM already supported). The new options will appear for all banks that don't have a bank account already set up. StrataMax detects this in the downloaded banking file.

What's Better 
An additional 12 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see the last page for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.73 Released 9th February 2023
NSW Strata Hub - Report Externally
We have added a new field in Building Information for NSW Buildings called 'Report to Strata Hub manually'. When set to 'Yes' the building will not appear in the NSW Strata Hub for upload.

Creditor Aged Balance Report 
Creditors Aged Balances Report now has the additional selection of 'Creditor Code Order' and 'Creditor Description Order' available to sort the report by Creditor Code or Description.

Roll Submissions
With the recent enhancements to the Roll Submissions, released on Portal (31st January 2023) will now by default be displayed.  Any historical unprocessed submissions, can be viewed from \BCM\Archive\UnprocessRollsSubmissions.xlsx.

Bank Account Setup and Investment Banking
StrataMax now has the ability to manage both operating and investment accounts at the same time in BCMax and GLMax. This enhancement will streamline the download and reconciliation of investment banking, resulting in improved balance verification, faster processing times, easier interfaces and new reporting.

Process Bank Statements
The Process Bank Statements screen is designed to give the users a central point to view and action daily banking for all buildings, all banks and now investment accounts

Global Bank Reconciliation Summary Report
The global report Bank Rec. Summary Report has been enhanced to support investment accounts to report bank reconciliation information.

Security - Process Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliation
New Security Setup permissions have been added to allow users access to the new menus 'Process Bank Statements' and 'Bank Rec. Summary Report'.

Dashboard - Maturing Investment Accounts
A new Dashboard item called 'Maturing Investment Accounts' has been added providing the ability to monitor investment accounts maturity.

Transferring money between Operating and Investment Accounts
In the Bank Reconciliation screen a new Create Bank Transfer button is available to transfer funds between the operating and investment account. The system will automatically reconcile between the funds for transactions processed through the bank as 'Other or Interest'.

What's Better 
An additional 6 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 27 for details on each.

Release Notes Roll Submissions Released 31st January 2023
Online Roll Submissions have been redeveloped to accommodate the changes made to the Roll in 2022.  The update of roll submissions will be released in two stages; stage 1 released on 31st January 2023 is activated for all clients on v5.6.64 or higher.  This stage is prioritised to allow roll submissions to be accepted for a lot that includes multiple contacts. Please note in version 5.6.71 two additional configuration settings were added; click here to view details.

StrataMax v5.6.72 Released 25th January 2023
What's Better
An additional 5 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 3 for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.71 Released 11th January 2023
Creditors Aged Balances Report (formerly Creditors Balances) has been updated; Creditors List has been removed, as was reporting similar information.  Global reports have also been updated.

What's Better
An additional 12 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 3 for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.70 Released 5th January 2023
Process Bank Statements - Heritage Bank
Heritage banking files are now supported for both BCMax and GLMax, once banking files are downloaded Process Bank Statements can be used to assist with importing and reconciliation.

What’s Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 4 for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.69 Released 21st December 2022
NSW Strata Hub Enhancements
We have added a new value, ‘Not Set’, to the NCC Building Class field in Building Information, as well as a 'Copy Value to other buildings' button.

What’s Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 4 for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.68 Released 15th December 2022
Opening Balance Setup | Cash at Bank Unpresented Receipt
Enhancements have been made to Opening Balance Setup to create an unpresented receipt to the '012 Cash at Bank' account code in Bank Reconciliation when entering the opening balances for a new building. The initial deposit will present to this when processed into the bank.

Process Bank Statements | Drag and Drop Statement Files

Drag and drop functionality has been introduced for statement files copied to Process Bank Statements

Bank Reconciliation | User Id 
A new message has been added to the Bank Reconciliation noting when an item is created manually.

Delete Statement Files
Banking statement files can now be deleted after import if required. This option is to not store the banking files once they have been imported, removing sensitive data from the file system. Further details can be located in our Data Maintenance article.

Receipt Allocation | Overdue Interest
As per state legislation, overdue interest will now be posted before anything else if the 'Overdue Interest' levy invoice code is the lowest priority in Levy Invoice Code Setup.

Bank Reconciliation | Configuration
Two new tick boxes have been added to the Bank Reconciliation Configuration screen so that payments will auto-process from owners who are in Legal Action, and/or owners who have a payment plan set up.

What’s Better
An additional 7 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 7 for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.67 Released 1st December 2022
Move Fund Balances
A new icon and screen titled Move Fund Balances is now available to allow correction of fund balances for an account.

Strata Hub | NSW Integration
StrataMax has worked with the NSW Government to enable a bulk upload of the required data to the Strata Hub Portal based on NSW Government validation requirements, and introduced a new icon and screen called NSW Strata Hub.

What’s Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 6 for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.66 Released 17th November 2022
Meeting Hub | Distribution Enhancement
The Document Distribution screen has been enhanced to have the ability to further select the 'Mailout' options for document delivery.

Contact Management | Agent & Correspondence Settings
Enhancements have been made to Contact Management to automatically update the roll when an agent is withdrawn.

Totals Per Invoice
Enhancements have been made to 4 different screens to display a total per invoice, not just per payment.

What’s Better
An additional 14 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 7 for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.65 Released 1st November 2022
Stored Reports in DocMax | Merge Letters & Sub-Group
The second stage of this enhancements has been made to store all stored reports into DocMax, and now includes .DOC Merge Letters and Sub-Group (Utility Billing) invoices and reports, which will allow users to view these documents in Work Queues and upload them to the StrataMax Portal where applicable (lot specific documents such as Levy Notices should not be uploaded to the portal). Please note this does not include GLMax documents.

Receipting | Allocation by Due Date
Enhancements have been made to the UI in Receipt Entry, Bank Reconciliation > Receipt, and Debtor Adjustments. It will now allow users to see the due date of each transaction including invoices not associated with a levy fund.

What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each.

StrataMax v5.6.64 Released 20th October 2022
Building Information Redesign
Building Information has redesigned from the ground up and replaces the Info Update, Building Info and Building Information menus into one screen. This redesign will provide users with an easier interface and introduces a number of new features to allow customisation based on user & company requirements.

DocMax | Searchable Building Type and Regulatory Module Fields
New fields have been added to DocMax which will filter the documents returned by 'Building Type' and 'Regulatory Module'. These fields can also be included in Saved Searches and Work Queues.

New WA Building Type Options
We have added two new building type options for Western Australian buildings selectable in Building Information and New Building (BCMax) screens.

Notes | All Areas
Note modules have been enhanced and now have a refreshed user interface. The new screen has been implemented in any location that notes can be added in BCMax and GLMax.

What's Better
An additional 5 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 19 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.63 Released 6th October 2022
Meeting Hub | Update Minutes for Adjourned Meetings
When a meeting is adjourned and then reconvened, a manager should be able to send a consolidated version of the minutes which includes details of both the adjourned and the reconvened meeting to owners. If a meeting is adjourned multiple times, the details of all meetings should be included.

Enhancements have been made to document generation that is now capable of receiving a collection of meetings and their associated template groups, instead of just one at a time. The document generation will now join the merged documents for each of the meetings in the collection order that they are received from the website.

What's Better
An additional 7 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 6 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.62 Released 21st September 2022
DocMax | Subgroup Selection
The ability to select Sub Group buildings is now available in DocMax. Documents can be added to Sub Groups buildings for Utilities, Marina buildings, By Law Sub Groups and Air Conditioning Sub Groups.

Meeting Hub | Change distribution method
The Document Distribution page has been enhanced to allow the user to change the distribution method for the Recipients on the Recipients grid.

Meeting Hub | Keyboard shortcuts
Standard tag column behaviours have been added to the Meeting Hub Document Distribution page.

What's Better
An additional 6 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 6 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.61 Released 8th September 2022
Roll | Office Bearer Identification
Committee Members will now be identified in the Owner Details screen if they have been added to Office Bearers from the Roll. 'Committee Member’ will be displayed regardless of the position held.

StrataCash Hub
StrataCash Hub has now been enabled for all clients with this update and is a direct replacement of the old StrataCash menu. This new hub will streamline access and requests to the StrataCash team. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 4 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.60 Released 25th August 2022
Contact Management | Merge Contacts
In the Contact Management screen, a confirmation prompt has been added and will appear when merging contacts to allow review of the changes prior to proceeding.

New Building Setup | Add New Lots
When creating a new building with new lots, the date of the roll set up will default to the date of registration for the building. Original Owners will be added as of that date if not modified at the time new lots are created. This will allow the date of acquisition to be backdated if required.

What's Better
An additional 8 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.59 Released 11th August 2022
DocMax Merge Fields
We have created the ability to use Merge Fields for DocMax Title, Description & Notes fields and allow these to be applied on profiles and action buttons of work queues.

Edit Invoice Transaction Details | Debtor Transactions
Transaction descriptions can now be edited for debtor transaction with references that start with 'M0' (Please note that this does not include transactions with reference 'MA').

South Australia | Presiding Officer, Secretary and Treasurer
Enhancements have been made to BCMax to update the office held for presiding officer to be classified as a chairperson. This change will allow committee elections for presiding officer, secretary, treasurer and ordinary members in meeting hub for South Australia in the upcoming Online voting release.

What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 4 for details on each enhancement.

StrataPay Online DDR   Released 8th August 2022
Online form for Direct Debit Requests
With StrataPay’s online direct debits, owners can easily setup an automatic payment for their levy balance to come directly from their bank account or credit card. Alternatively, they can set a scheduled fixed amount to be drawn at a time and frequency that suits them. Refer to or the release notes for more information.

Setup a new Direct Debit Request online
Owner’s can simply go to our Direct Debit page where they can submit an online form that allows them to pay via their Credit card, Debit card or Australian Bank Account.  They will need their StrataPay reference number to access the online form.

Amend or Cancel an existing Direct Debit Request online
Direct Debits can be amended or cancelled via our Direct Debit page. 

StrataMax v5.6.58 Released 28th July 2022
Data Health Dashboard - Lost Building Documents
Further breakdown of documents by Lost/not-lost building status has been provided as an option in the Data Health configuration screen.

What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 4 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.57 Released 14th July 2022
Bank Account Setup | Add Address
The following new options have been added to Bank Account Setup to select if the address for the bank account will:

  • Use building address as account owner.
  • Use manager address as account owner.

Search Transactions (Edit Transaction Description/Details)
The Quick Transaction List screen has been replaced with a new screen called Search Transactions, this will allow users to search transactions and edit descriptions for specific transaction types.

Bank Reconciliation | Unmatch Allocation
A new option, ‘Unmatch this allocation’ has been added to the Bank Reconciliation screen. This new option will allow users to Unmatch EFT’s, cheques and receipts that were manually matched.

New Building Setup | Creating new lots in the Roll
The 'Add Lots Start' screen will now be presented when creating new lots in the building setup process. This is so the plan date can be set to the appropriate Lot Effective date, (Date of Building Registration for example), at the time the building is created.

What's Better
An additional 6 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 9 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.56 Released 30th June 2022
Process Bank Statements | St George
Enhancements have been made to import St George (STG) banking once banking files are downloaded daily using Process Bank Statements .

What's Better
An additional 10 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 4 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.55 Released 16th June 2022
Roll Replacement
The Roll interface has been extensively enhanced to provide a clearer overview of lot details while maintaining current functionality. The options have changed as most tools and options have now been incorporated into the Roll screen. Essential options have been retained as menu items as well.

Contact Management
Contact Management has been designed to manage any contacts added to building records. At present it will manage existing contacts or newly created contacts for an owner, tenant, agent, office bearer, nominee or other representative contact.

Desktop Search
The desktop search bar has been enhanced and can now be used to search for contacts and lots based on 

  • Contact Name
  • Contact Email Address
  • 9-digit StrataPay number
  • Lot Address Field

Roll Submissions | Icon and Dashboard Item
A tile to show unprocessed Roll Submissions is now available to add to the desktop Dashboard, and the Roll Submissions screen now has its own icon.

Transfer Agent Portfolio
The Transfer Agent Portfolio has been created to assist with the migration of records when some or all of a Real Estate Agents portfolio is moving to a new Real Estate Agent.

Insurance Policy Expiry Notification
The Insurance Policy Notification message will now be displayed beside the building selector. The notification will be based on the expiry date set for Insurance Code 901.

Office Bearers Report | Custom Sort Order
Office Bearer Reports can now be customised to display Office Bearers in any order.

Data Health Check | New Dashboard Item and Report
A new report item has been added to the Administrator Dashboard called Data Health to facilitate review and configuration of building data file retention. 

Process Bank Statements | Bendigo
Enhancements have been made to import Bendigo (BBL) banking once banking files are downloaded daily using Process Bank Statements.

What's Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 29 for details on each enhancement

StrataMax v5.6.54 Released 2nd June 2022
BAS Configurations
Enhancements have been made to two settings in the configuration menu of the Business Activity Statement screen.

Receipt Entry | Zero Receipts
Receipt Entry has been enhanced to no longer allow $0.00 amounts to be saved for receipts.

What's Better
An additional 3 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement

StrataMax v5.6.53 Released 19th May 2022
Process Bank Statements - ANZ
Enhancements have been made to import ANZ banking once banking files are downloaded daily, using the Process Bank Statements screen.

Merge Letters - LoginIDCheck field
We have exposed the "LoginIDCheck" field in Merge Letters to provide an option to produce Welcome Letters with 9-digit StrataPay Reference numbers.

What's Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.52 Released 5th May 2022
Process Bank Statements - Import NAB and CBA
Enhancements have been made to import NAB and CBA banking once banking files are downloaded daily, using the Process Bank Statements screen.

Levy Arrears - Option to list levy arrears in Due Date order
An option to show overdue levy arrears in due date order on arrears notices is now available in the Arrears Notice configuration. When set, levy arrears will be ordered by due date rather than by Invoice code.

Meeting Hub - New merge fields for Document Generation
Two new merge fields have been added to the Committee Election template groups in Meeting Hub.

What's Better
An additional 7 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.50 Released 21st April 2022
Banking & Bank Reconciliation
This release includes a complete overhaul of the Bank Reconciliation screen. There are also two completely new screens; the Bank Reconciliation Report and Process Bank Statements, which has been designed from the ground up to streamline the download and reconciliation of daily banking. 

What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 19 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.48 Released 7th April 2022
Meeting Hub Enhancements
Collections of new merge fields have been added to the Meeting Hub and merge fields can now be filtered by search text.  

NOTE: Template Groups for minutes will need to be amended.

What's Better
An additional 5 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 4 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.47 Released 21st March 2022
GLMax Debtor Adjustment
Debtor Adjustment has been added to GLMax to allow users to easily reallocate funds for a debtor and funds between debtors.

Invoice Hub I Creditor override for single layer approvals
Enhancements have been made in the Invoice Hub to allow a Creditor Override for a single layer approval.

NSW StrataMax Hub Report
On the 30th June 2022, NSW legislation commences where managers will be required to input data into the Strata Hub (an online government platform). Schemes will be required to lodge an annual return within 3 months of the AGM. A link to the regulations is below. To assist with the collection of data required; a global report is now available that reports information from Info Update, Insurance, Office Bearers, Inspections Register and Account Balances. This report is called ‘NSW Strata Hub Report.’

What's Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 15 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.46 Released 10th March 2022
What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 3 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.45 Released 24th February 2022
DocMax - Account Group Field (Victoria Multi OC)
A new DocMax property has been added to accommodate documents added to DocMax for an account group building where the document is specific to a particular Account Group.

Levy and Arrears Notices | BCC Account Manager
Emailed Levy and Arrears Notices can now be configured to BCC the building Account Manager that has been set in Info Update.

Month End Rollover | Skip GLMax BAS Check
Month End Rollover in GLMax can now be configured to skip the check if the latest BAS has been saved for GLMax companies where the BAS is not required. 

Part 1 | Stored Reports storing in DocMax
Enhancements have been made to store all Stored Reports in DocMax, which will allow users to view these documents using the various functions of DocMax (when the Roll changes are released, a shortcut from the lot to that lots documents will also be available). This change will also aim to reduce the BCMax database size for backups. Existing Stored Reports will not be initially moved to DocMax on upgrade - this will occur separately via the scheduler over time; as this occurs documents that may seem old will appear in Recently Added. All reports will still be viewable in Stored Reports.

What's Better
An additional 3 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 7 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.43Released 10th February 2022
Master Chart Filter | Delete Accounts
Account codes can now be be deleted from the Base Building using the Master Chart Filter and Header accounts are now available for selection when deleting codes in the Base or any tagged building/s.

DocMax Work Queues | Slow Performance Indicator
We have added a 'Slow Performance Indicator' icon and 'Slow' note for Work Queues where performance may be impacted by the volume of data or configuration issues.

StrataCash Hub
StrataCash Hub is a direct replacement of the old StrataCash menu. This new hub will streamline access and requests to the StrataCash team. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.
Please note that this will be activated on a client by client basis. The list of actions available on the hub may differ from the list shown.

What's Better
An additional 8 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 7 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.42 Released 27th January 2022
Process Recoveries | Preview Summaries
A variety of different summary previews are now available when previewing unprocessed recoveries.

BCMax Email Server | notification for failed email
Notifications will now be sent to the sender of failed emails.

Office Bearers Report | Lot Fields
The Office Bearers screen has been enhanced to display the lot number and unit number for 'Owner of Lot 'and 'Nominated By' columns.

What's Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 11 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.40 Released 13th January 2022
Report Set | Include Extra Financial Reports
We have added the ability to include Extra Financial Reports in Report Sets.

Management Fees Setup | Increase by Fixed Amount
A new option to increase periodic values by a fixed amount has been added to Management Fee Increase options.

DEFT Slip Changes
As required by Macquarie Bank, DEFT slips have had Australia Post wording updated to remove the cash payment option. Bar codes have also been altered to remove the additional $2.75 adding to the total amount.

Financials Statements | Lot Budget Summary Report
The Lot Budget Summary Report has been added to Custom Report Templates where a custom template can be selected for the report.

Office Bearer Report | Account Manager
The Office Bearers Report will now include the Account Manger contact details name, phone number and email address if available.

What's Better
An additional 6 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 9 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.39 Released 16th December 2021
Contact Card | Security Permissions
There are new security permissions for editing contact name, contact details and preferences.

Communications | Multiple windows
The Communications module will now allow users to utilise other modules and menu options when in the Compose Email screen.

What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 6 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.38 Released 2nd December 2021
Office Bearer Report - 'Send Status Reports' field
The 'Send Status Reports' field on Office Bearer Reports will also observe the 'Officer Types' selected in Status Report > Options > Set Officer Types.

What's Better
An additional 7 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.37 Released 18th November 2021
NSW Legislative Changes
The Community Land Management Act 1989 will be replaced by ‘Community Land Management Act 2021’ on 1st December, 2021. On that date, all references to the old act need to be replaced by references to the new act. 

Victorian Legislation | Building Tiers
From 1st December new legislation comes into effect where buildings will be classed under specific tiers based on the Active Lot count, found in Info Update. This excludes lots marked as a 'Car Park' or 'Storage'.

Office Bearer | Enhancements
We have added multiple enhancements to the Office Bearers screen. Please see page 5 - 9 for details.

What's Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 10 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.36 Released 4th November 2021
Office Bearers | Contacts
Enhancements have been made to the user interface when creating a new contact. Please refer to the Office Bearers article for more information.

What's Better
An additional 11 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.35 Released 19th October 2021
StrataMax Desktop | ResVu
We’ve added link to our new integration partner ResVu, who provide owners and tenants with the opportunity to action all of their day-to-day needs directly from a custom-branded mobile app.

Add Office Bearer | Copy from Roll
The ‘Select from Roll’ button has been changed to ‘Copy from Roll’, which allows the contact to be modified and saved as a separate contact to the Roll.

What's Better
An additional enhancement has been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details.

StrataMax v5.6.34
Invoice Hub | Credit Notes
The Invoice Hub can now be configured to upload credit note invoices for approval.

What's Better
An additional 4 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.33 Released 7th October 2021
Account Dissection Report | Account Groups (Multi OC Buildings)
New options have been added to the Account Dissection report that allows selection of one or all account groups to be reported separately.

Processing Standing Journals after Auto-Rollover Month End
Pending transactions may occur when the date of the transactions is in future of the current posting month, but becomes current once the completion of the rollover has occurred. The Auto-Month End function will now process any pending Management Fee and Recoveries transactions, automatically after it completes the rollover.

Financial Reports | Old Presentation Financials
Old style Presentation Reports have been replaced with Presentation Style 2 Reports and will soon be removed. If an old-style report is selected, a message will be displayed advising that the selected report will be retired in future versions.

Meeting Hub | Email Template
Meeting Hub Email templates have been enhanced to provide meeting details in the email.

What's Better
An additional 6 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 8 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.32 Released 23rd September 2021
Printer setup for Bing API
Enhancements have been made to allow either API or Mailroom to be selected in the Printer Setup screen throughout StrataMax. A new option called ‘StrataMax Bing Easy Post API’ in the Printer can be selected if the Bing Web API has been configured.

Office Bearers | Contact Management
Office Bearers has been redesigned with a new enhanced user interface, and integrates with the new Contact Management system.

Manager Maintenance | Contact Management
Manager Maintenance has been redesigned with a new enhanced user interface, and integrates with the new Contact Management system.

What’s Better
An additional 11 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 17 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.31 Released 9th September 2021
BingMail API | Printing to EasyPost Mailroom
The BingMail Web API can now be used from any area when printing notices or documents in bulk, rather than using the EasyPost Mailroom software. This will group and send documents or reports printed for each building and quickly upload them to the BingMail portal for review. See Bing EasyPost & BingMail for more info.

Security Setup | Replicating User Settings
Through the Security Setup menu, we have added the ability to copy user settings from one StrataMax user to another. The option ‘User Settings’ will allow the management of user settings when taking on new staff or to ensure existing staff have the same configuration set up across departments, with exception of the Communication menu.

Payment Entry | Manual Cheque Book references
A Cheque Book reference option has been added to the Payment Entry menu. This new enhancement will allow users to record a manual cheque book number against a payment.

What's Better
An additional 10 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 10 for details on each enhancement.

Tag option in Tag Paid Invoices will now require a StrataMax Support password as it is no longer required for day-to-day processes and prevents Bank Reconciliation and Payment Entry from working as designed if used incorrectly.

StrataMax v5.6.30 Released 26th August 2021
Security Setup | User Profile & Manager Account
The User Profile & Manager Account screen has received a user interface update, and when a new user is set up, their email address and username will now be copied to the ‘Sender’ email address and ‘Username’ in the Communication menu in Options > Communication Setup.

Financial Statements | Save Settings for Monthly Rollover
In the Financial Statements menu, a new item has been added in the Options menu called ’Save Settings for Month End Rollover', which is to set the default financial statement to be stored when Month End Rollover is completed.

Journal Preparation | Account Balances Display
A new field has been added to the Journal Preparation menu, which displays the current total and new total of the account code for each line item in the journal set. The system will now calculate the impact of the transaction on the selected account code, based on the amount you have entered.

Work Order Disbursements | TRMax Notes
When a job is issued in TaskMax and the charges have been set up in the Disbursements menu, a new record is created in the TRMax menu. Enhancements have been made to the TRMax menu, which will now display an new 'Notes' field when quotes are requested and received and jobs are issued.

DocMax | Include Inactive Creditors
A new tick box has been added to DocMax when adding a new documents. Specifically under the 'Invoice Details' section, which allows users to include Inactive Creditors from the Creditor drop-down menu.

What's Better
An additional 10 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 9 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.29 Released 12th August 2021
Marina Sub-Group | Levy Notices & Arrears Email Templates
Levy and Arrears notices in Marina Sub-groups will now utilise the local Levy or Arrears notice email template if one has been set up.

What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.28 Released 29th July 2021
Payment Entry
A new Payment Entry menu has been added to provide a reliable platform to manage outgoing one-off payments, reimbursements and part payments. This menu is designed as a replacement for the existing ‘Cheque Entry’ process, allowing users to perform a number of different payment options (EFT, Cheque or BPAY).

Creditor Invoice | Save and Pay
In addition to the new Payment Entry menu, users can now access the Payment Entry menu via the Creditor Invoices menu. This is used to pay a creditor immediately after the invoice is entered.

Bank Reconciliation | Create Payment
In the Bank Reconciliation menu, in the Statement Entry/Processing tab, a new Create Payment button has been added. This new option will replace the need to process directs to creditor accounts.

Edit Invoice List | Report to Excel
It is now possible to report and export information in the Edit Invoice List menu to Excel.

What's Better
An additional 8 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 35 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.27 Released 15th July 2021
Compliance Monitor | New Setting
The Compliance menu now has a new configuration setting which provides the option to include or exclude inactive contractors.

Management Fee Setup | Cloning Option
The Management Fee Setup menu now has a new ‘Clone Fee’ button.

Roll Master Editor Menu | Agent/Mortgagee Contact Management
The Roll Master Editor menu has been updated with a new interface and functionality, and has been designed from the ground up to enhance the user experience when adding, searching for, viewing, and editing property agents and mortgagees in StrataMax. See the Roll Master Editor 5.6 article for more information.

What's Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 11 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.26 Released 1st July 2021
Security - Reverse Presented Payments
A new security setting ‘Reverse Presented Payments’ has been added to the Security Setup menu. This will control users and user groups from reversing presented payments via the Payments Management menu for BCMax and GLMax.

Log Viewer - New Log Category - ArrNoticeClr
A new category has been added to the Log Viewer called ‘ArrNoticeClr’, which will log a message when a receipt has been made to an account in arrears if the ‘Clear Arrears Flag’ setting has been enabled in the Receipt Entry menu in File > Configuration.

Restore Data | Support Only Function
Please be advised that in order to assure the integrity of your data, and stability and functionality of StrataMax, we have restricted access to the Restore Data menu to only be available to the StrataMax Support team. This decision has been made since a complete restore of an individual building can impact a lot of areas such as the Bank Reconciliation, Invoice Hub, DocMax, Portal, and other areas, often causing further issues.

What's Better
An additional 8 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 6 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.25 Released 17th June 2021
EFT Manager
EFT Manager has been enhanced to allow users to view payment details (including invoices and documents), and can now also allow users to re-open a finalised batch under certain circumstances.

Month & Year End Rollover | New Auto-Rollover
A new option has been added to the Month / Year End Rollover menu configuration, which will automate the rollover process if enabled. Rollovers will be completed in the background via a schedule, which can be configured to skip or run based on the required criteria.

What's Better
An additional 16 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 13 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.24 Released 3rd June 2021
DocMax Building Prefill
The DocMax Auto prefill building option has been enhanced with more building type keywords. This will cater for a broader range of building types.

Process Recoveries
The Process Recoveries module have been enhanced to include a new Invoice Code Filter which will allow individual codes to be selected for processing.

EFT Manager & EFT Manager Report
Configurations have been added to the EFT Manager menu to allow users to set a default ‘DE User ID and User Name’ for all banks except SCM.
The EFT Manager Report has been enhanced to report two (2) new fields of data.

The Management Dashboard has been enhanced to include a report titled ‘Arrears Budget Percentage’, and also now includes two new reports.

What’s Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 15 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.23 Released 20th May 2021
Arrears Notices - Add a Ledger Card
Enhancements have been made to Arrears Notice Setup to allow for a Ledger Card to be added and output with an Arrears Notice/Letter.

What’s Better
An additional 11 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 7 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.22 Released 6th May 2021
Communication Menu Enhancements
Enhancements have been made to the Communication menu to record the building number when emails have been sent via StrataMax and provide the ability to search and filter by Building.

TaskMax | Bulk Finalise
Enhancements have been made to reduce the time restriction from 2 years to 1 year in the ‘Finalise Old Work Orders’ menu option in TaskMax.

Management Fees Report
Improvements have been made to the Management Fees Report. Several new criteria have been added to the setup for improved search speed and to prevent the search retrieving records for lost buildings.

DocMax | Add Documents | Auto Prefill Building setting
A new DocMax setting, ‘Auto Pre-fill Building’ has been added, which, when configured, will attempt to match the document to a building in DocMax using keywords within the text of the document.

StrataMax v5.6.21 Released 22nd April 2021
Automatically Clear Arrears flag on receipt of funds
A new setting is now available in the Receipt Entry menu to ensure the arrears flags will be cleared automatically when an owner payment is receipted and the account balance owing is zero or below the pre-configured tolerance allowance.

What’s Better
An additional 7 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 5 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax v5.6.20 Released 8th April 2021
Dashboard Filter – by Management Office
The ability to filter by Management Office has been added to Dashboard Reports.

Lot Budget Summary – New Options
New configuration settings have been added to the Financial Statements menu to provide more output options for consolidated reports when running the Lot Budget Summary report.

What’s Better
An additional 9 enhancements have been included in this update. Please open the release notes and see page 7 for details on each enhancement.

StrataMax Version 5.5

StrataMax v5.5.113 Released 11th March 2021
Certificates - CERT205 QLD
CERT205 Certificate for relevant QLD buildings has been changed to reflect the most current version of the regulatory act. The date will now show as ‘2020’.

Meeting Hub
The Document Distribution screen now displays a more obvious message when a meeting notice or minutes have been sent. This message remains on screen until the Print/Email button is clicked again, or the Document Distribution screen is closed.

StrataMax v5.5.110 Released 9th February 2021
Office Bearer Maintenance – ‘Nominated By Lot’ Field
A new field called ‘Nominated By Lot’ has been added to the Office Bearers menu to record the details of the lot owner that nominated the committee member. The reason is to comply with changes made to Body Corporate and Community Management (Standard Module) Regulations 2020 (i.e. building types B.F.P, S.F.P and V.P), which take effect 1st March 2021.

StrataMax v5.5.109 Released 27th January 2021
Office Bearer Maintenance – ‘Nominated By Lot’ Field
A new field called ‘Nominated By Lot’ has been added to the Office Bearers menu to record the details of the lot owner that nominated the committee member. The reason is to comply with changes made to Body Corporate and Community Management (Standard Module) Regulations 2020 (i.e. building types B.F.P, S.F.P and V.P), which take effect 1st March 2021.

StrataMax v5.5.107 Released 9th December 2020
Resubdivision - Old Process
The old Resubdivision process has now been completely removed from StrataMax. Now when in the Roll menu, clicking the Edit or New buttons in the Entitlements/Contribution or Interest tabs, will automatically open the new Resubdivision menu.

StrataMax v5.5.106 Released 25th November 2020
Financial Statements - Proposed Budget with Footnotes
Two new Proposed Budget Templates have been added to Financial Statements to provide the facility to add Footnotes to Proposed Budget reports.

Roll Confirmation Template with Delivery Preferences
A new Roll Details Confirmation template called ‘Roll Details Confirmation - Mailroom Auto Populate’ has been added which will show the Levy Notice and Correspondence preferences as set in the Roll menu.

StrataMax v5.5.105 Released 11th November 2020
Unpaid Creditor Invoice Report
The Unpaid Creditor Invoice Report has been enhanced with a new user interface and selection functions for users to apply more refined selections making report results more selective.

StrataMax v5.5.104 Released 28th October 2020
The Certificate for building type ‘UP’ - ACT Unit Titles Management has been updated, and the WA Certificate layout has been enhanced to incorporate levy data in the Certificate and is no longer included as an Annexure.

Three new options have been added to the Special Legend in the Bank Rec screen.

StrataMax v5.5.100 Released 9th September 2020
Meeting Hub
Email functionality has been enhanced to allow for the inclusion of a tailored subject and body in Emails sent from Meeting Hub/ Document Distribution.
New Security Permissions to be setup - 'Meeting Hub (Email Template Setup)'.

StrataMax v5.5.99  Released 26th August 2020
A new Resubdivision/Reallocation of Entitlements module has been added to StrataMax to simplify the process of a Resubdivision and amending existing lot entitlements. This new process provides step-by-step setup screens for entry of data and reporting to confirm the validity of input prior to processing.
New Security Permissions to be setup - 'Roll (Resubdivision / Reallocation of entitlements)'.

StrataMax v5.5.96  Released 12th August 2020
Meeting Hub
Additional settings to allow distribution of meeting notices & minutes to exclude lots with 0 entitlements and remove duplicates based on the recipients address.

StrataMax v5.5.95  Released 29th July 2020
Discount transactions in various reports will now display the Discount Invoice Code Description to make it easier to identify the fund the discount applies to.

StrataMax v5.5.94  Released 15th July 2020
Meeting Hub
Standard Meetings, Agenda Items and Motions have been enhanced to allow DocMax documents of the type ‘Internal Document’ to be attached. This would be useful for documents such as Proxy & Nominee forms etc.  

StrataMax v5.5.93  Released 1st July 2020
User Interface changes to Transaction Report Manager which is used to select certain transactions that you do not wish to display on reports.

StrataMax v5.5.92  Released 17th June 2020
Generated levies are now able to be edited therefore in particular scenarios users will no longer need to reverse a levy.
New Security Permissions to be setup - 'Levies (Edit generated levies)'.