Administrator Videos

The videos in this article relate to administrator functions and menus in StrataMax. These include topics such as...

Building Transfers

Buildings are commonly transferred between Body Corporate managers, so StrataMax has included a module to assist clients in initiating and self-managing these transfers. This video is a recording of the webinar held in November 2023, covering the Building Transfer menu, leading you through the building transfer process, using the Email Template Manager, and how to use the Log Viewer to review any building transfer activity in StrataMax.

Security Setup and External Access Video

This is a recording of the webinar delivered in June 2024, not long after the Security Setup menu received an update with a new look, and enhanced functionality. Learn how to set up new accounts for access to StrataMax for internal and external users, and how to manage different levels of access and permissions for users and groups more efficiently.

StrataMax Administration Video

This is a recording of a webinar delivered in April 2022 covering some administrative functions in StrataMax including Security Setup, DocMax, Account Manager Edit, and Edit Pick List.

System Logs Video

This video demonstrates how to utilise the Log Viewer and various logs in StrataMax to assist with understanding processes and what action points are required when there are errors. These areas are useful to understand if processes have not had a desired outcome due a setting not being set correctly, or to confirm when an action has been taken.