Invoice Hub | Management Fee Invoices

The instructions in this article relate to Invoice Hub. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

Invoices for Management Fees, whether set fees or disbursements, in most circumstances would not need to go on the Invoice Hub for approval. 

These fees would be known and agreed charges set out in the Management Contract which was signed to manage the property. However in instances where these invoices require approval, below are the instructions to enable invoices for Management Fees which are processed through GLMax to be loaded onto the Invoice Hub. A sound understanding of the Invoice Hub is recommended to conduct the below processes.

  • Amend the OK to Pay status for the Management Company. Change the Creditor to Never OK to Pay which causes this Creditor to have Invoices placed on hold for approval.
  • Check GLMax configuration to set Create Invoice Document as the Creditor Invoice is automatically raised when Management Fees are processed in GLMax and the Invoice document is added to the Creditor Invoice.
  • Submit invoices as normal for approval.

Set 'OK to Pay'

In order for the invoices to not bypass the Invoice Hub submission, the Strata Manager's creditor record will first need to have a certain setting changed. This is the Never OK to Pay setting, which can be set for a single building or for all buildings.

  1. Search or select Creditor Invoices.
  2. Click GoTo > Set OK To Pay accounts.
  3. Click Add and select the creditor, or if the Strata Manager company has already been added, select it and click Change.
  4. Then click Never OK To Pay.

GLMax Process Management Fee Invoice Attachment

Review the Process Management Fee Configuration for Create Invoice Document and Invoice Document Profile ensuring the settings are configured to file the invoice into DocMax and attach to the Creditor invoices in StrataMax.

Submit Invoices for Approval

Once the invoice has been saved, it can be submitted to the Invoice Hub.

If the Creditor Invoice was already entered before any of the above steps, then the Creditors Management area will be the place to assign the invoice on hold so it can be submitted to the Invoice Hub.