BMC & Shared Facility

This section of Online Help covers the various processes and menus that relate to BMCs and Shared Facilities in StrataMax.


BMC and Shared Facilities Overview
This article covers the topics of setting up Building Management Committees (BMC) and Shared Facilities, and the billing process, which will aid in the management of the two. The BMC  menu is used to allocate the proportional liabilities fo...
BMC Creation and Setup
This article covers the topics of setting up Building Management Committees (BMC) and Shared Facilities. Before BMC/BMS Setup Before creating a BMC for the first time, it is necessary to add the general ledger/expense codes to Strata...
BMC Billing
This article covers the topics surrounding the billing process of a Building Management Committees (BMC) and Shared Facilities, which is done in the BMC screen. Before the billing can take place, the BMC must be created and setup,...
BMC Reports
This article covers the various reports that can be run in the BMC menu. There are several reports to chose from in the BMC menu, used for different purposes. All reports in the BMC menu are access via the Reports option in the BMC menu. ...
BMC Year End Process
This article covers the process to be followed before completing the Year End Rollover   in a Building Management Committees (BMC) or Shared Facilities building. At the end of the financial year, the aggregate amount for general ledger exp...