Asset Register

The instructions in this article relate to the Asset register. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

The Asset register is for keeping track of all assets acquired by a property, which is a legislative requirement (for QLD), and will produce on a Certificate.  This register is available for all States.

We also have the Registers Video, which covers the Asset Register.

Add an Asset

  1. Search or select Asset. 
  2. Click  Add.
  3. Type in the Asset Reference Name, this name is used to identify this asset on any lists and can be left as a number.
  4. Type in a Description for this asset. There a four lines you may utilise for the description if required.
  5. Type in supplier details including the address.
  6. Select the Acquisition Date.
  7. Select the Nature of Acquisition.
  8. Select the Asset Type.
  9. Type in the Depreciation Rate (for information purposes only).
  10. Type in the Market Value.
  11. Click OK.
  12. The Asset will now appear on the register. 
  13. Click Close to exit.

Asset Field Names

Asset Reference Name: This reference name is used only within the system to describe a group of assets.

Description: Up to four lines of description of the asset may be typed in.

Supplied by: Up to four lines of supplier information may be typed in.

Acquisition Date: The date of the acquisition of the asset.

Nature of Acquisition: Select from a pick list.

Asset Type: Select the asset type from a pick list.

Depreciation Rate: The Depreciation Rate. Type in as a percentage.

Market Value: The Market Value of the asset.

Asset Details Report

  1. Search or select Asset.
  2. Highlight the asset you wish to view details for.
  3. Click Details Report.
  4. Click Finished once you have viewed the Asset information.

Update Asset

  1. Search or select Asset.
  2. Select Update Value.
  3. Click on one of the following:
    - Add from Ledger:  when the transaction has been entered already as a creditor invoice (select the Expense Code transaction).
    - Add Custom:  when the transaction will not previously have been recorded in StrataMax.
    - Delete Record: to delete a value record from the asset.
    - Edit Record:  edit a value transaction record. 
  4. If Add from Ledger is selected - locate the transaction and click on it. EG if it was a creditor invoice, look for the expense code associated with the transaction.
  5. Highlight and click Select.
  6. Click on the transaction type, select from:
    - Original Cost
    - Additional Cost
  7. Click OK.
  8. Check the details are correct, if not then Cancel' and select another record.
  9. Click OK. 
  10. Click Finished. 

Edit an Asset

To edit and change information on an asset;

  1. Search or select Asset.
  2. Highlight the asset. 
  3. Click Edit and make the change. 
  4. Click OK.

Delete an asset

  1. Search or select Asset.
  2.  Highlight the asset.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click OK and click Yes to the message are you sure you want to delete the asset.

Asset Register Report

  1. Search or select Asset 
  2. Select Register Report.
  3. Select the order to print the assets on the report by clicking next to the option listed.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Set printing options as you require, Screen, Printer or Excel.
  6. Click OK.

Example: Asset Register