Reports / Utilities (Global) | Custom Reports

The instructions in this article relate to Reports / Utilities Global and custom reports that have been created withinThe icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

The creation of Custom Reports is no longer applicable and alternative reporting options are available.  Refer to the Search Buildings article and Building Information article and the option to produce a Building Information Report into Excel across your portfolio of all information recorded within Building Information

Generate Custom Report

  1. Search or select Reports/ Utilities (Global)
  2. Click Custom to view the list of existing custom reports that have previously been created.
  3. Select the report to generate and click OK.
  4. In the Print to section, select your output method: Screen, Printer, or File (for Excel but may not be always available).
  5. Click Edit Limits.
  6. Double click in the field (or click the field and press Edit), some fields have a drop down to select or tag items and others will require a date.
  7. Click OK when finished.
  8. Tag the required buildings and click OK.
  9. Click Proceed to produce report.