StrataMax Chatbot Trial

We are excited to offer the StrataMax Chatbot for you to trial! This cutting-edge chatbot has been trained on all of our online help content, making it a valuable resource for answering a wide range of questions about using StrataMax.

Left Side Pop up: Once loaded, the Chatbot will appear on the left side of your screen.

Innovative Technology: Keep in mind that the StrataMax Chatbot is in its early stages. We hope this tool will become an indispensable aid in your use of our software. Your feedback during this trial phase is crucial and will inform our decision to move into full production or pause and reassess as the technology matures. There is a chance we may conclude this trial and revisit it once the technology has further improved. 

Feedback is crucial: Please click on the Thumbs Up or Down for your chat and provide feedback in the box when you close the pop-up. The more detail, the better. We also have an overall feedback form on your experiences with utilising the chatbot.

IMPORTANT Tips for Interacting with the StrataMax Bot: To make the most of your interaction with the StrataMax Bot, we've provided some important tips for you to follow:

  1. Be Specific: For accurate responses, try to be as specific as possible when asking questions.
    • Example: Instead of asking, "How do I use StrataMax?" try, "How do I generate a financial report in StrataMax?"
  2. Use Keywords: If you're familiar with our software, use relevant keywords to increase the Bot's chances of providing the correct answer.
    • Example: If you ask about creating a fee notice, include keywords like "generate" and "levy” in your question.
  3. Simple Language: While the Bot can understand complex queries, using simple and direct questions in plain English often yields better results.
    • Example: Instead of asking, "What are the various intricate steps to configure an email template?" try, "How do I set up an email template?"
  4. Ask Follow-up Questions: If you need more details on an answer, feel free to ask follow-up questions like, "Where do I access that from?"
  5. Start Again: To initiate a fresh conversation, click the circular arrow (Start Again) icon at the top right of the chat box for unrelated questions within a conversation.
  6. Source Links: Find additional context by clicking the Sources link below the provided answer, which leads to specific pages in our online help.
  7. Need Further Assistance?: Try a regular search of online help if you don’t get the answer you are looking for. If you still need further assistance, you can contact our live chat during business hours (AEST) or our support team.

Thank you for participating in this exciting journey as we explore the potential of the StrataMax Bot. Your valuable input will help shape the future of our customer experience!